Earlier in this chapter, we learned how to find the local extrema of a function using the first derivative test. But it turns out that there's another way to find local extrema, using what's called the second derivative test, and specifically using the sign of the second derivative. Now here, I'm going to show you exactly what the second derivative test is and how to use it to find the local extrema of a function using a step-by-step process. So let's go ahead and jump right in here. Now remember that the sign of our second derivative tells us whether a function is concave up or concave down.
And using concavity, we can determine whether a critical point is a local maximum or local minimum. But how exactly does this work? Well, let's take a look at our second derivative test here. If we have some point c and our first derivative of c is 0, meaning it is a critical point like we see on these two points on our graph here, if we then take a look at the second derivative, specifically the sign of our second derivative, if our second derivative is negative, that tells us that our function then has a local maximum at that critical point c. Now that might seem a little confusing.
Something being negative means that we have a maximum. But remember that when the sign of our second derivative is negative, that means that our function is concave down there. So looking at our function, it makes sense that where this function is concave down and has that critical point, this point would then be a local maximum, which is exactly what we see on our graph here. So then if our second derivative is instead positive, that indicates to us that our function has a local minimum at that point c because when our second derivative is positive, our function is concave up. So that critical point down there at the bottom is a local minimum.
Now, if our second derivative is not positive or negative at all, it's actually just 0, then that doesn't give us any information, and we instead need to revert back to using the first derivative test. But now that we have seen what the second derivative test is, let's actually use it to find the local extrema of a function. Now here, we're given the function
So it's important that we stay organized here and know exactly what function, what derivative, what second derivative we are working with here. Here, we want to find where that first derivative is equal to 0. So we want to find that first derivative
Because if it does not exist, we want to go ahead and revert back to using that first derivative test. But here, there are no points where that first derivative doesn't exist. So we are done with step 1, and we can proceed on to step 2. Now in step 2, we're going to use those values that we just found in step 1 and plug them into our second derivative, then taking a look at the sign of our second derivative. This is exactly where we'll be applying that second derivative test.
So first, just finding what that second derivative is here,
This gives us a negative 6. Now as we've seen before, we don't actually care what this value is. We just care about its sign. Now here, this is a negative value. Because here, our second derivative is negative, that tells us that this point is a local maximum.
This is exactly what we learned with our second derivative test above. So that tells us that this point is a local maximum located at x equals 0. Remember, this negative six value doesn't tell us anything. We were only looking at the sign. Our local max is located at that 0 that we plugged in, so we know we have that local max at x equals 0.
Now let's go ahead and plug 2 in here too. We have 6 times 2 minus 1. That gives us a positive 6. Again, here, we just care about that sign here. This is a positive value.
And because this second derivative is positive here, that indicates to us that we have a local minimum here. So we have a local minimum at that value of x that we plugged in, which was x equals 2. So we have located our local extrema here.