One of the things we should be very familiar with is the concept of a function. We've talked about these functions and how they are represented as equations, and we've also talked about how we can graph them individually. Now what we're going to learn in this video is how we can take multiple equations like this and combine them into a single function. This is what is known as a piecewise function, and a piecewise function is made up of multiple equations. Now because we cannot have a situation where these equations essentially overlap each other like we have here and there or there and there, what we need to do is define these equations for different x values when dealing with piecewise functions.
So let's just get right into an example of a piecewise function situation we would need to solve in this course. Let's say we're dealing with this function right here. This would be an example of a piecewise function because notice how we have multiple equations written for a single function. And notice also how we have these different x values that we're defining the equations for. Now what I need to do is take a look at these x values and figure out how I can graph this equation.
Well, the way that I can graph this function that we have here,
Now this wall essentially tells me where my functions are going to be defined. So everything on the left side of the wall is going to be this equation, and everything on the right side of the wall is going to be that equation. That's because this equation shows us right here that we have
So doing this over here, we first will graph negative
We'll notice that that's going to be this parabola that we see right here. But I can't just draw a full parabola because we only are defining the parabola on the right side of this wall. What I can notice here is well, when we have this negative one value, notice that we're down here at negative 3. So when I point there at negative 3, then I can see that we go down to negative 4, then we go back up through here at 2. So we're going to have a parabola that looks something like this, and this would be the right side of this piecewise function.
So now I'll go ahead and remove this wall because this is what the piecewise function is going to look like. But what I also need to do, because I'm not quite finished with this yet, because notice here that we kinda have just these empty points that are finishing here, and we need to actually write something for these. Well, notice that for this piece, we're saying
So this is actually what the piecewise function is going to look like, and that's how we can graph this. Now I also want you to notice that these two parts are not connected. There's this jump that happens right here. So whenever you have the situation where the
Right? I have to pick up my pen and I have to go down here. So this is where we have a jump, meaning that this is not some sort of continuous curve that we have between these piecewise functions. But that's okay. That actually happens a lot when you're dealing with these piecewise functions.
So we see this jump here, we see this graph, and this is what the graph would look like. But notice here that in our example, we're also asked to do a little bit more. We're asked to evaluate these functions right here by plugging the values into the correct equation. So because we're specifically asked to plug the values into the correct equation, we can't just simply look at the graph and figure it out that way. So we're going to need to figure out which equations we're using.
Well, notice here that my first function that I'm trying to evaluate, my first value is at an
So this right here would be
Negative 1 squared, well, that's just going to be positive 1, and then minus 4, it's going to give us negative 3. So this right here would be
So going to have
So I hope you found this video helpful, and let's go ahead and move on and try getting a little more practice with this concept. See you in the next one.