This video, we're going to talk about yet another protist life cycle, the paramecium life cycle, which is not to be confused with the plasmodium life cycle that we talked about in previous lesson videos. Now paramecium is actually a unicellular ciliated protist, which means that it's single celled and contains cilia along its perimeter, which we call are microscopic hair-like structures that can be used for movement. Now paramecium can be found in many different aquatic ecosystems, including lakes, ponds, and rivers, for example. Now the protist paramecium exchanges DNA sexually via conjugation and reproduces via binary fission, a type of asexual reproduction that's usually associated with prokaryotes, but it can occur in some eukaryotes like this paramecium protist, for example. Now recall from our previous lesson videos that conjugation is the exchange of genetic information between two cells that are in direct contact with one another.
Now down below, we have a diagram representing the paramecium life cycle, but before we get to that, it's helpful for you to know that paramecia actually have two types of nuclei. They have a larger macronucleus and they have a smaller micronucleus. Now the larger macronucleus is responsible for day-to-day operations, while the smaller micronucleus is primarily active during reproduction, and we'll be able to see that throughout this entire diagram as we analyze it. So let's go ahead and enlarge this diagram so that we can see it more clearly and notice that we've broken up this life cycle into six total steps that we have numbered here. So let's go ahead and wipe this clean so that we can approach this one step at a time.
Now the blue arrow across the top represents the phase of this life cycle for conjugation, again, a type of sexual reproduction, while the pink arrow across the bottom represents the phase of this life cycle for asexual reproduction, which is going to occur via binary fission as we'll see here shortly. So let's go ahead and kick off this process with two compatible mates, two paramecia cells that are compatible with each other for the conjugation process to begin. And so these two compatible mates are going to pair up and come into direct contact with each other. And again, each of these cells is going to have two nuclei, a larger macronucleus and a smaller micronucleus. And all of the nuclei are going to be diploid, which is why we have 2n.
Now again, it's the micronucleus that's going to be functionally active throughout this life cycle here. And so it's no surprise that in step number two, the micronucleus in each of these cells is going to undergo meiosis in order to generate four micronuclei in each cell that are all haploid, since meiosis reduces the ploidy from diploid down to haploid. Now it's important to note that in this process of meiosis here, the cells themselves are not dividing. It's only the micronucleus in each of the cells that divides to produce four micronuclei that are haploid. Then three of the micronuclei in each of the cells are going to disintegrate, leaving only one functionally active micronucleus in each cell, which, then the one functionally active micronucleus in each cell is going to undergo mitosis to generate two functionally active micronuclei that are haploid in each of these cells.
And again, in this process of mitosis here, the cells themselves are not dividing. It's just going to be the functionally active micronuclei that divide. So now these cells are actually ready for the conjugation process to take place, so they're going to exchange genetic information in a process that we'll call the micronuclei swap here. So they swap micronuclei, exchanging genetic information so that each cell has one green and one yellow micronucleus. Then the conjugation process is complete, so these two cells can separate from one another.
Now this cell over here on the right, we're going to stop following, but it basically undergoes the same steps that this cell is going to undergo. So next, in step four, the micronuclei are going to fuse together in micronuclei fusion, and so when these two haploid micronuclei fuse together, it generates a single diploid micronucleus, which is why we have 2n here, and this diploid micronucleus that's generated is genetically different than either of these green and yellow micronuclei that we had, earlier in this process. Now from here, the micronucleus is going to undergo three rounds of mitosis to create eight micronuclei that are all diploid. From here, the original macronucleus is going to disintegrate, and four of the micronuclei that were just generated are going to develop into macronuclei, so that in the end we end up with a single cell with four macronuclei and four micronuclei, and all of these nuclei are going to be diploid at this point. So from here, we finally have binary fission that kicks into play, and binary fission is going to asexually reproduce the single cell into four cells, each with one macronucleus and one micronucleus, and all of the nuclei are diploid.
And this completes this process because then these cells can go on to find a compatible mate to repeat this entire life cycle once again. So now that this is complete, I want to draw your attention once again to each of these numbers for each of these six steps, and that's because the numbers here in this diagram correspond with the numbers that you can see here in this table for the paramecium life cycle. So notice here that we've got numbers and names for each of the steps and a little description of what's happening in each of the steps just for your convenience. So this here concludes our lesson on the paramecium life cycle. We'll be able to apply these concepts and problems moving forward.
So I'll see you in our next video.