We've been building phylogenetic trees. We've been saying that we want to use homologous traits or homologous characters to build those trees because we understand homologous traits tell us that these organisms are more closely related because they share a common ancestor and that trait was present in that common ancestor. Well, when we actually look at DNA and look at genes, there's actually more than one way that genes can be homologous. Right? So when genes are homologous, we call them homologues.
So 2 homologous genes are homologues, and homologs could be homologous either because they are orthologs or paralogs. Now these are obviously similar and somewhat confusing definitions that are easy to get mixed up, so we're going to go through these now. Now let's just redefine a homologue here. A homologue, these are genes that are scented from the same ancestral gene. Alright.
Now the first way that you could be a homologue or that a gene could be a homologue, we are going to call an ortholog. And this is what we've sort of been talking about so far when we've been building phylogenetic trees. Orthologs are homologous genes in related species, and we're going to say that they arise through speciation. So an example of this, well, we're going to look at human and chimpanzee. I'm just going to write chimp though.
Human and chimp beta hemoglobin. Now just to be clear though, virtually every gene in humans has a homologue in chimps because we are very closely related species. Alright. Now let's see how this works though just looking at this image. We have our chimp and our human here, and we have a very simple phylogenetic tree here.
Right? We can trace the lineages back. They meet at a common ancestor. And what we see is that in this common ancestor, there was a version of this gene in the DNA called beta hemoglobin. Now since the speciation event, chimpanzees have a version of beta hemoglobin, and humans have a version of beta hemoglobin.
Now those aren't identical. They are very very very similar, but they're not identical because they have been evolving separately for millions of years. But because they come from that common ancestor and they are different genes just because they are in different species, we call them orthologs. Alright. Now, typically, when you're building a phylogenetic tree, you want to be using orthologs to do that.
Now, orthologs, to remember this, we're going to have a little memory tool here and it says orthologs are in other species. So just remember that, ortholog, other, and remember, it comes from that speciation event. Okay. Now, the other way that you could have a homologue, and this is the one that might be a little new to you, is a paralog. And a paralog, this is a homologous gene that is in the same genome.
Alright. So how does that work? Well, you could have genes that arise through gene duplication. Remember, we said that one of the ways that you get new genes is that a section of the chromosome gets duplicated, and now where you had 1 gene, you have 2, and that second copy can now evolve to do some new or related task. So when that happens and especially when that happens repeatedly through many duplications of these genes, you end up with what we call gene families or a gene family here.
A gene family is going to be a group of paralogs that are all in the same genome. Alright. So for example, we talked about beta hemoglobin above. Beta hemoglobin is actually one of 5 globins in the beta hemoglobin gene family. Alright.
So we can look at, here a section of DNA. This is in humans is actually on chromosome 11. There are 5 globin genes right in a row that all arose through gene duplication events. Now instead of going from the top, down, I'm going to start at the root of this tree here. Right?
So the root of this tree, this tells us that, you know, deep in the past on this chromosome, there was a single globin gene. And then a piece of that chromosome got duplicated and then there were two versions of that globin gene. Alright. We can follow this, part of the tree on the left here. Now we see that this version of that gene got duplicated again.
Right? And one of them is what we now call hemoglobin epsilon. The other version of that gene that got duplicated got duplicated again. Right? And that evolved into the other 2 gamma hemoglobins that we have.
Alright. Now hemoglobin epsilon and the gamma hemoglobins, those are all expressed at some time during fetal development. Now on the other side of this tree, right, there was another duplication. This version of this gene duplicated and it arose and is now what we call beta hemoglobin, and the other version is what we call delta hemoglobin. These two versions of the hemoglobin gene are expressed in adults.
Alright. But you can see here, remember, all of these genes are in the same genome. They are all in you. They were all expressed at some point in your lifetime, but we can draw a phylogenetic tree because we can trace back how they arose through these gene duplication events. Alright.
Now to keep paralogs separate from orthologs, in your head we have another memory tool here. We're going to say that paralogs are peas in a pod. Right? This group of genes, this gene family, it's all in a single genome just like peas in a pod. Alright.
With that, we've got practice to come. Check it out.