Hello, folks, and welcome to what is definitely my favorite equation in all of science, and that is the Hardy-Weinberg equation. Alright. The Hardy-Weinberg equation, we're going to say predicts genotype frequencies for a gene with 2 alleles in a diploid population. And we can see the equation is written out down here, but we're gonna work up to it so we understand what it means. Alright.
Now before we go on, I just want to say this is something that if you're at all nervous about using math in biology class, this is where it's going to come up. Right? So we're going to get an equation, and there are going to be things that there we're going to have to solve for. So here, we're going to see where that equation comes from, and we will practice using it a bunch coming up. I also think, though, that this is just a pretty profound idea, at least in my mind.
We're going to be able to predict genotype frequencies for a whole population, given just a little bit of information. That means that you don't need to know individual matings that are going on now out in the wild. If you know just a little bit of starting information, you can predict what that entire population is going to look like in terms of genotype frequencies. Now to do that, you have to make some assumptions. The two assumptions that we have to make here are random mating and no changes to the allele frequency.
Remember, a change to allele frequency, we call evolution. So this is for populations that are not evolving. Now you might say those seem kind of like big assumptions, and they are. We're gonna go into these in a lot more detail coming up, and we're even gonna break them up into sort of more finer distinctions, specific assumptions going forward. But it's also a lot kinda like in physics class when you learn about motion.
You start by ignoring friction. Right? It doesn't perfectly model what's happening out there in the world, but it still has a lot of predictive power and really helps you understand how populations work. Alright. So we're going to say that if a population does match this prediction, populations that match this prediction are said to be in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium.
And that's a term that you probably should be familiar with. Alright. So let's see how this works. We're gonna start by thinking about allele frequencies. So remember, we have
We have
We're gonna start by putting all our alleles in the gene pool. So again, we're not worried about individual matings here. We're imagining all the alleles from the population taken out of individuals and basically put in one big bag, and we're gonna shake it up. And then because we are assuming random mating, we're just gonna sort of go in and pick out 2 random alleles and pull them out, and that's gonna represent an individual. So to do that, we're gonna figure out what is the chance of being each genotype, either a big A big A homozygote, a heterozygote, or a little a little a homozygote.
Alright. Well, if we have all those alleles in the same bag, when we reach in, what's the chance of being that big A big A homozygote? Well, the chances well, the chance that you pull out a big A first, and that chance is
So it's gonna be
Alright. Well, we can now just jump down the frequency of the little a little a homozygote should be pretty obvious now as well. Well, what's the chance that you reach into that big that bag and you pull out a little a? Well, that's the frequency of the little a, which is
It's gonna be the frequency of that little a again. So it's gonna be
Well, the chances well, we're gonna reach into the bag. What's the chance that we pull out that big A? Well, that's gonna be
Right? But there's actually another way that we could get a heterozygote. We could have pulled the little a out first. So we're gonna have to add this to the frequency or the chance that we pull out the little a first, and that was
That's another way to make a heterozygote. So,
2pq. Alright. So in other words, what's the chance of being a big A big A homozygote? Well, that's gonna be the frequency of those big A big A homozygotes in a population. So what's the frequency of those big A big A homozygotes?
Alright. That brings us to our Hardy-Weinberg equation here. So we have these three, things that we just calculated here,
Alright. So now you can see right? We have these two equations,
And to do that, well, a lot of the math is going to be some simple plug-and-chug. Some of it's going to be some very basic algebra, but we're going to spend some time going through those and seeing how we can calculate those things in different problems that you might see. Again, we'll practice that coming up, and I'll see you there.