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Seeds definitions Flashcards

Seeds definitions
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  • Fertilization

    The process where a sperm cell from pollen unites with an ovule in a flower, leading to the formation of a zygote that will develop into a seed and eventually a new plant.

  • Embryogenesis

    The process by which a fertilized egg (zygote) develops into a multicellular plant embryo within a seed, involving cell division, differentiation, and formation of primary meristems.

  • Zygote

    The initial cell formed after the fertilization of an ovule by sperm, which divides to form the plant embryo and supporting structures.

  • Basal Cell

    A cell derived from the zygote that forms the suspensor, a structure supporting the developing plant embryo.

  • Cotyledons

    Embryonic leaves in seeds that provide initial nutrients to the developing plant; their number distinguishes monocots (1) from dicots (2).

  • Monocots

    Plants with a single embryonic leaf (cotyledon), parallel leaf veins, scattered vascular bundles, fibrous roots, and floral parts typically in multiples of three.

  • Eudicots

    Plants with two cotyledons in their seeds, characterized by net-like leaf venation, flower parts in multiples of four or five, and vascular bundles arranged in a ring.

  • Hypocotyl

    The embryonic stem segment between the radicle and cotyledons, crucial for seedling emergence and initial growth.

  • Radical

    Embryonic root of a plant that emerges during germination, anchoring the seedling and absorbing water and nutrients for growth.

  • Endosperm

    Nutrient-rich tissue in seeds that provides essential nourishment to the developing plant embryo during germination.