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Seedless Vascular Plants quiz Flashcards

Seedless Vascular Plants quiz
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  • What type of life cycle do all vascular plants, including seed plants, have?

    All vascular plants, including seed plants, have a sporophyte dominant life cycle.

  • What is the difference in gametophyte size between seed plants and seedless vascular plants?

    In seed plants, most gametophytes are microscopic, whereas in seedless vascular plants, they are larger.

  • What are microsporangia and megasporangia responsible for producing in seed plants?

    Microsporangia produce pollen, and megasporangia are found inside ovules.

  • What is the term for the male and female cones in seed plants?

    The technical term for male and female cones in seed plants is strobili.

  • What structure in seed plants contains the megasporangium and megaspore?

    The ovule contains the megasporangium and megaspore.

  • What is the outer protective layer of the ovule called?

    The outer protective layer of the ovule is called the integument.

  • How do the integuments of gymnosperms and angiosperms differ?

    Gymnosperms have a single integument, while angiosperms have multiple integuments.

  • What is the micropyle in seed plants?

    The micropyle is the opening at the apex of the integument.

  • What does the ovary wall in angiosperms develop into?

    The ovary wall in angiosperms develops into fruit.

  • What are pollen grains and what do they contain?

    Pollen grains are the male gametophyte covered by a tough pollen wall made of sporopollenin.

  • What is pollination syndrome?

    Pollination syndrome refers to flower traits that have evolved in response to pollen vectors like wind, bees, and birds.

  • What do seeds develop from in seed plants?

    Seeds develop from fertilized ovules.

  • What is the function of the cotyledons in seeds?

    Cotyledons are embryonic leaves that will germinate to form a sprout.

  • What is the endosperm in a seed?

    The endosperm is the food for the embryonic plant, surrounding the embryo.