History of Evolutionary Thought exam Flashcards
History of Evolutionary Thought exam
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- Charles DarwinNaturalist who formulated the theory of evolution by natural selection based on observations during his voyage on the HMS Beagle.
- Alfred Russel WallaceNaturalist who independently formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection based on his studies in the Malay Archipelago.
- UniformitarianismThe idea that geological processes today are the same as those in the past, introduced by James Hutton.
- What did Georges Cuvier contribute to evolutionary thought?He studied fossils and argued that the fossil record shows extinct organisms, indicating that life today is different from the past.
- Principles of GeologyA book by Charles Lyell that popularized modern geological thinking and influenced Charles Darwin.
- What is the significance of the Galapagos Islands in Darwin's work?Darwin observed unique species adaptations on the Galapagos Islands, which helped him formulate his theory of evolution by natural selection.
- Inheritance of Acquired TraitsA theory proposed by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck suggesting that traits developed during an organism's lifetime can be inherited by offspring.
- What was Lamarck's idea of use and disuse?Lamarck proposed that traits can become more or less developed in an organism's lifetime due to use or disuse.
- HMS BeagleThe ship on which Charles Darwin made his voyage, leading to his observations that contributed to his theory of evolution.
- What did Charles Lyell contribute to Darwin's work?Lyell's book 'Principles of Geology' influenced Darwin's understanding of geological processes and the age of the Earth.
- Wallace LineA boundary line identified by Alfred Russel Wallace that separates the ecozones of Asia and Australia.
- What is the main idea of Darwin and Wallace's theory of evolution?Species evolve over time through natural selection, influenced by environmental pressures and genetic variation.
- James HuttonGeologist who introduced the idea of uniformitarianism, suggesting that geological processes are slow and the Earth is very old.
- What did Darwin observe in Chile that supported his ideas?Darwin experienced a large earthquake in Chile, observing how it changed the land, supporting the idea of slow geological processes.
- Georges CuvierConsidered the father of modern paleontology, he studied fossils and argued that they show extinct organisms.
- What was the impact of Darwin's book 'On the Origin of Species'?It was hugely influential in both the popular and scientific communities, solidifying the theory of evolution by natural selection.
- Jean-Baptiste LamarckFrench naturalist who proposed the inheritance of acquired traits, a theory later proven incorrect.
- What did Darwin and Wallace conclude about species distribution?They concluded that species distribution is influenced by environmental pressures and genetic variation, leading to evolution.
- Charles LyellGeologist who modernized geological thinking and influenced Darwin with his book 'Principles of Geology'.
- What did Wallace observe in the Malay Archipelago?Wallace observed species distribution and identified the Wallace Line, noting differences between species from Asia and Australia.
- Natural SelectionThe process by which species evolve over time due to environmental pressures and genetic variation.
- What was the role of Darwin's grandfather, Erasmus Darwin?Erasmus Darwin was a famous physician and poet who wrote his own ideas about evolution, influencing Charles Darwin.
- Extinct Giant Ground SlothAn organism studied by both Georges Cuvier and Charles Darwin, providing evidence of extinct species.
- What did Darwin's observations of finches in the Galapagos Islands reveal?They revealed unique species adaptations, supporting the idea of evolution by natural selection.
- Darwin's FinchesDifferent species of birds observed by Darwin in the Galapagos Islands, which helped him develop his theory of evolution.
- What was the significance of the HMS Beagle voyage for Darwin?The voyage provided Darwin with crucial observations and evidence that led to his formulation of the theory of evolution by natural selection.
- Environmental PressuresFactors in the environment that influence the process of natural selection and evolution.
- What did Darwin and Wallace publish together in 1858?They published their ideas on evolution by natural selection together, recognizing their independent but similar conclusions.