Animal Tissues exam Flashcards
Animal Tissues exam
Terms in this set (29)
- AnatomyThe study of an organism's physical structures.
- PhysiologyThe study of the functions of an organism's structures.
- What is an adaptation?A heritable trait that improves an organism's chances of surviving and reproducing.
- AcclimatizationShort-term adjustments to changes in the environment.
- Fitness trade-offsLimits to perfect adaptations due to finite energy resources.
- What are germ layers?Embryonic tissues that develop into specialized tissues and organs.
- EctodermThe outer germ layer that develops into nervous tissue and skin.
- MesodermThe middle germ layer that develops into muscle and connective tissues.
- EndodermThe innermost germ layer that develops into the lining of the digestive and respiratory systems.
- What is connective tissue?Tissue that supports, connects, or separates different types of tissues and organs.
- Loose connective tissueThe most common type of connective tissue, holding organs in place and attaching epithelial tissue.
- Dense connective tissueTissue dense with collagen fibers, making up tendons and ligaments.
- Supportive connective tissueIncludes bone and cartilage, providing structural integrity.
- Fluid connective tissueBlood, which has a liquid extracellular matrix called plasma.
- What is nervous tissue?Tissue that conducts electrical and chemical signals.
- NeuronA cell that receives and transmits electrical signals in the nervous system.
- GliaSupport cells for neurons, essential for their survival and function.
- What is muscle tissue?Tissue capable of contraction, enabling movement.
- Skeletal muscleMuscle attached to bones, used for locomotion and posture.
- Cardiac muscleMuscle found only in the heart, responsible for pumping blood.
- Smooth muscleMuscle found in the walls of organs and blood vessels, allowing them to contract.
- What is epithelial tissue?Tissue that lines organs and body surfaces, separating interior and exterior environments.
- Apical sideThe side of epithelial tissue that faces away from the interior of the body.
- Basal sideThe side of epithelial tissue that faces the interior of the body or organ.
- Basal laminaA special type of extracellular matrix on the basal side of epithelial tissue.
- What is the function of the Golgi apparatus?An organelle involved in the secretion and transport of molecules.
- What is the role of the respiratory system?A group of organs working together to perform gas exchange and breathing.
- Extracellular matrixAn array of proteins and ground substance that provides structural support outside of cells.
- Adipose tissueA type of loose connective tissue made up of fat cells.