01:13CBSE Class 12 Biology, Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants-2, Female Reproductive OrgansBest for NEET1266views
12:48Fertilisation, zygote, embryo, germination | How do organisms reproduce | Biology | Khan AcademyKhan Academy India - English780views
08:48Flower: Sexual parts (unisexual & bisexual) | How do organisms reproduce | Biology | Khan AcademyKhan Academy India - English1036views
09:42The Reproductive Lives of Nonvascular Plants: Alternation of Generations - Crash Course Biology #36CrashCourse661views
Multiple ChoiceThe male structures of angiosperms are called __________, and they produce __________. 710views
Multiple ChoiceThe female structures of angiosperms are called __________, and they produce __________. 546views
Multiple ChoiceIn the process of pollination, pollen grains are transferred from the __________ to the __________. 1269views
Multiple ChoiceLike gymnosperms, many grasses and angiosperm trees are wind-pollinated. To conserve energy, these angiosperms do not produce complete flowers (complete flowers have all four of the basic parts). Which basic part would most likely be missing from wind-pollinated angiosperm flowers? 457views
Multiple ChoiceIn this type of asexual reproduction, seeds are produced even without the joining of sperm and eggs. 702views
Multiple ChoiceIn an environment that is very stable, with reliable moisture and temperature, what type of reproduction would be most advantageous for a plant, and why? 486views
Multiple ChoiceWhich statement below accurately describes the role of S-genes in plants? 552views1rank
Textbook QuestionEvaluate these statements about double fertilization. Select True or False for each sentence. T/F Two zygotes are formed, but only one survives. T/F One sperm fuses with an egg while the other sperm fuses with polar nuclei. T/F It results in the formation of a diploid embryo and triploid endosperm. T/F Both sperm involved in double fertilization form within the same pollen tube.669views
Textbook QuestionDouble fertilization means that a. flowers must be pollinated twice to yield fruits and seeds. b. every egg must receive two sperm to produce an embryo. c. one sperm is needed to fertilize the egg, and a second sperm is needed to fertilize the polar nuclei. d. every sperm has two nuclei.1170views
Textbook QuestionIn angiosperms, each pollen grain produces two sperm. What do these sperm do? a. Each one fertilizes a separate egg cell. b. One fertilizes an egg, and the other is kept in reserve. c. Both fertilize a single egg cell. d. One fertilizes an egg, and the other fertilizes a cell that develops into stored food.1197views
Textbook QuestionIn angiosperms, are sperm and eggs produced by mitosis or meiosis? Which cells are spores? Which structures are gametophytes?811views
Textbook QuestionMatch questions 3–8 with options a–f. 3. Attracts pollinator 4. Develops into seed 5. Protects flower before it opens 6. Produces sperm 7. Produces pollen 8. Houses ovules a. pollen grain b. ovule c. anther d. ovary e. sepal f. petal744views
Textbook QuestionSome plant species produce male and female individuals in which the males have an XY genotype and the females have an XX genotype. After double fertilization, what would be the genotypes of the embryos and endosperm nuclei? (A) embryo XY/endosperm XXX or embryo XX/endosperm XXY (B) embryo XX/endosperm XX or embryo XY/endosperm XY (C) embryo XX/endosperm XXX or embryo XY/endosperm XYY (D) embryo XX/endosperm XXX or embryo XY/endosperm XXY700views
Textbook QuestionSome dioecious species have the XY genotype for male and XX for female. After double fertilization, what would be the genotypes of the embryos and endosperm nuclei? a. embryo XY/endosperm XXX or embryo XX/endosperm XXY b. embryo XX/endosperm XX or embryo XY/endosperm XY c. embryo XX/endosperm XXX or embryo XY/endosperm XYY d. embryo XX/endosperm XXX or embryo XY/endosperm XXY1437views
Textbook QuestionIn a species showing sporophytic incompatibility, which type(s) of pollen could successfully fertilize an S2S3 flower? (A) S1 pollen from an S1S3 flower (B) S2 or S3 pollen from an S2S3 flower (C) S3 pollen from an S1S1 flower (D) S1 pollen from an S1S1 flower707views
Textbook QuestionA small flower with green petals is most likely a. bee-pollinated. b. bird-pollinated. c. bat-pollinated. d. wind-pollinated.1366views
Textbook QuestionWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of self-fertilization versus those of outcrossing?741views
Textbook QuestionMake a sketch of a simplified flower with all four organs, and indicate how the pattern of expression for just two genes (e.g., 'D' and 'E') could, hypothetically, regulate the development of each organ. Consider that what's important is whether a gene is on or off and that a structure can be specified when neither gene is expressed.377views
Textbook QuestionMost flowering plants can achieve pollination in several different ways. Those that produce pollen and carpels on the same plant may be self-pollinated, but they may also be cross-pollinated by insects or other pollinators. The cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana) shown here is able to produce seed whether it is self- or cross-pollinated. Is one type of pollination better for reproductive success than the other? Considering the gooseberry flower shown here, what types of cues might attract bees to the plant? What type of rewards do bees seek?707views
Textbook QuestionMost flowering plants can achieve pollination in several different ways. Those that produce pollen and carpels on the same plant may be self-pollinated, but they may also be cross-pollinated by insects or other pollinators. The cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana) shown here is able to produce seed whether it is self- or cross-pollinated. Is one type of pollination better for reproductive success than the other? Researchers conducted controlled experiments to test for effects of different types of pollination on cape gooseberry fruit size and seed production. The types of pollination included self-pollination, cross-pollination by bees, and manual cross-pollination (transferring pollen from one plant to another by hand). Results are shown in the graphs here. Compared to self-pollination, do bees have a significant impact on fruit mass? How about on seed formation?768views
Textbook QuestionName two kinds of asexual reproduction among plants. Explain two advantages of asexual reproduction over sexual reproduction. What is the primary drawback of asexual reproduction?951views
Textbook QuestionMost flowering plants can achieve pollination in several different ways. Those that produce pollen and carpels on the same plant may be self-pollinated, but they may also be cross-pollinated by insects or other pollinators. The cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana) shown here is able to produce seed whether it is self- or cross-pollinated. Is one type of pollination better for reproductive success than the other? Why might it be advantageous for plants to promote cross-pollination? What are the advantages of self-pollination?619views
Textbook QuestionMost flowering plants can achieve pollination in several different ways. Those that produce pollen and carpels on the same plant may be self-pollinated, but they may also be cross-pollinated by insects or other pollinators. The cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana) shown here is able to produce seed whether it is self- or cross-pollinated. Is one type of pollination better for reproductive success than the other? In general, larger fruits tend to earn higher profits for farmers who grow cape gooseberries as a crop. Compared to self-pollinated flowers, what is the approximate percentage of difference in fruit size of bee-pollinated flowers?705views
Textbook QuestionMost flowering plants can achieve pollination in several different ways. Those that produce pollen and carpels on the same plant may be self-pollinated, but they may also be cross-pollinated by insects or other pollinators. The cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana) shown here is able to produce seed whether it is self- or cross-pollinated. Is one type of pollination better for reproductive success than the other? Based on the data in the graphs provided, approximately how many ovules are found in each gooseberry carpel?677views
Textbook QuestionMost flowering plants can achieve pollination in several different ways. Those that produce pollen and carpels on the same plant may be self-pollinated, but they may also be cross-pollinated by insects or other pollinators. The cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana) shown here is able to produce seed whether it is self- or cross-pollinated. Is one type of pollination better for reproductive success than the other? Global bee populations have been declining over the past decade. What impact might this have on the world's human population?411views