03:31You Didn’t Know Mushrooms Could Do All This | National GeographicNational Geographic592views1rank
Multiple ChoiceThere is a fungus in Oregon that covers 890,965 hectares! The bulk of this fungus is most likely _____. 630views
Multiple ChoiceFungi that consist of a continuous mass containing hundreds or thousands of nuclei are known as _____. 618views
Multiple ChoiceParasitic fungi possess hyphae that are modified to penetrate and absorb nutrients from host tissue. Such modified hyphae are called _____. 866views
Multiple ChoiceYou can buy mycorrhizal fungus to add to soil when you plant trees and other plants. Why would you want to do this? 940views
Multiple ChoiceEvidence that mycorrhizae, the mutualistic relationship between plants and fungi, existed from the beginning of the colonization of land comes from _____. 695views1rank
Multiple ChoiceWhile hiking through a forest, you discover a fungus growing on the remains of a decaying tree trunk. You hypothesize that it is a basidiomycete fungus because it resembles a mushroom in shape and size. If your logic is correct, microscopic analysis of the tissue found in the stalk of this fungus will reveal the presence of _____. 557views1rank
Multiple ChoiceFungi in the phylum Basidiomycota are the most important decomposers of wood because of their ability to break down _____. 766views
Multiple ChoiceA dramatic example of the pathogenicity of certain fungi is the dramatic decrease of the American chestnut tree by _____. 446views
Textbook QuestionComparisons of ribosomal RNA among many different modern species indicate that . a. there are two very divergent groups of prokaryotes; b. the Protista represents a conglomeration of very unrelated forms; c. fungi are more closely related to animals than to plants; d. A and B are correct; e. A, B, and C are correct506views
Textbook QuestionSCIENTIFIC INQUIRY • INTERPRET THE DATA The grass Dichanthelium lanuginosum lives in hot soils and houses fungi of the genus Curvularia as endophytes. Researchers tested the impact of Curvularia on the heat tolerance of this grass. They grew plants without (E−) and with (E+) Curvularia endophytes at different temperatures and measured plant mass and the number of new shoots the plants produced. Draw a bar graph for plant mass versus temperature and interpret it.494views
Textbook QuestionFungi feed by . a. producing their own food with the help of sunlight; b. chasing and capturing other living organisms; c. growing on their food source and secreting chemicals to break it down; d. filtering bacteria out of their surroundings; e. producing spores1130views
Textbook QuestionUnder a microscope, a piece of a mushroom would look most like a. jelly. b. a tangle of string. c. grains of sugar or salt. d. foam.571views
Textbook QuestionWhich of the following groups is made up exclusively of fungi that form symbioses with plant roots? a. ascomycetes b. basidiomycetes c. glomeromycetes d. zygomycetes712views
Textbook QuestionMany mushrooms are extremely colorful. One hypothesis is that the colors serve as a warning to prevent animals from eating mushrooms, much like the bright yellow and black stripes on wasps help to deter potential predators. Design an experiment to test this hypothesis.547views
Textbook QuestionWhat characters support the classification of fungi and plants in different kingdoms?667views