04:03Process of Ecological Succession | Primary & Secondary Succession ConceptHussain Biology994views
Multiple ChoiceA field contains 950 kg of plant material. How many kilograms of tertiary consumers could be supported? 508views
Multiple ChoiceWhich of the following statements correctly describes conditions on a glacier moraine during the reign of pioneer species? 399views
Multiple ChoiceWhat happens to the number of species in a community as the area of that community increases? 745views
Textbook QuestionAccording to the generalized species-area curve, when habitat is reduced to 50% of its original size, approximately of the species once present there will be lost. a. 10%; b. 25%; c. 50%; d. 90%; e. it is impossible to estimate the percentage805views
Textbook QuestionWhich of the following organisms is mismatched with its trophic level? a. algae—producer b. phytoplankton—primary consumer c. carnivorous fish larvae—secondary consumer d. eagle—tertiary or quaternary consumer592views
Textbook QuestionWhich of the following best illustrates ecological succession? a. A mouse eats seeds, and an owl eats the mouse. b. Decomposition in soil releases nitrogen that plants can use. c. Grasses grow in a deserted field, followed by shrubs and then trees. d. Imported pheasants increase in numbers, while local quail disappear.645views
Textbook QuestionIn Southeast Asia, there's an old saying: 'There is only one tiger to a hill.' In terms of energy flow in ecosystems, explain why big predatory animals such as tigers and sharks are relatively rare.502views
Textbook QuestionAbout a third of insect species measured are in decline, meaning that their populations are shrinking due to habitat destruction, pollution, and other factors. Predict how this change affects the bee pollination of crops such as apples and almonds.663views
Textbook QuestionThere are fewer lions in Africa's Serengeti than there are zebras. This is principally because . a. zebras tend to drive off lions; b. lions compete directly with cheetahs, whereas zebras do not have any competitors; c. zebras have mutualists that increase their population, whereas lions do not; d. there is less energy available in zebras to support the lion population than there is in grass to support the zebras; e. zebras are a keystone species, whereas lions are not1222views
Textbook QuestionSCIENTIFIC THINKING An ecologist studying plants in the desert performed the following experiment. She staked out two identical plots, which included a few sagebrush plants and numerous small, annual wildflowers. She found the same five wildflower species in roughly equal numbers on both plots. She then enclosed one of the plots with a fence to keep out kangaroo rats, the most common grain-eaters of the area. After two years, to her surprise, four of the wildflower species were no longer present in the fenced plot, but one species had increased dramatically. The control plot had not changed. Using the principles of ecology, propose a hypothesis to explain her results. What additional evidence would support your hypothesis?530views
Textbook Question"In a classic study, John Teal measured energy flow in a salt marsh ecosystem. The table below shows some of his results. a. What percentage of the energy in sunlight was converted into chemical energy and incorporated into plant biomass? What term describes this new biomass? b. What percentage of the energy in plant biomass was incorporated into the bodies of the primary consumers? What became of the rest of the energy (see Figure 37.16A)? c. How much energy is available for secondary consumers? Based on the efficiency of energy transfer by primary consumers, estimate how much energy will be available to tertiary consumers." 702views
Textbook QuestionThe North American pronghorn looks and acts like the antelopes of Africa. But the pronghorn is the only survivor of a family of mammals restricted to North America. Propose a hypothesis to explain how these widely separated animals came to be so much alike.468views
Multiple ChoiceIf a forest contains 47,000 kg of plant material, how many kg of tertiary consumers can it support?87views
Multiple ChoiceMatch each of the following species to their role in their respective communities:Beaver: builds dams in rivers/lakes, significantly altering habitats in the area.Ochre Sea Star: preys on mussels, preventing them from overpopulating intertidal zones & dominating the habitat.Red Mangrove Tree: stabilizes shorelines by reducing erosion, provides nurseries for fish in coastal regions.90views
Multiple ChoiceConsider an ocean community where corals are the most abundant species, where they "build" new habitats using calcium carbonate deposits, creating a coral reef. Which of the following terms can be applied to corals in this community?91views
Multiple ChoiceWhich of the following could be characterized as top-down control in a community?93views