This video, we're going to begin our lesson on protist life cycles. And, as we already know, protists exhibit huge diversity, and this is going to include their life cycles as well. Protist life cycles can be sexual, asexual, or both. They can include multiple hosts, just one single host or no hosts at all, and they can shift between haploid and diploid forms of the organism. Now, because protists exhibit so much diversity in their life cycles, we're not going to be able to cover all of that diversity here in this course.
Instead, in this lesson, we're going to cover just some of the life cycles that we expect your professors may want you to know about. This is going to include the Plasmodium life cycle, the Laminaria life cycle, and the Paramecium life cycle. We'll talk about each of these life cycles moving forward in their own separate videos, starting with the Plasmodium life cycle. So, I'll see you all there.