One way to encourage animals to disperse your seeds, aside from having them stick to your fur, is by putting them in fruit, which, of course, is delicious, and we animals love to eat. So fruits are technically these seed-bearing structures that form from the ovary after flowering. Now, as you can see in this diagram here of a peach, or it really could be any stone fruit, you have your seed on the inside there, with its endosperm, embryo, and seed coat, familiar structures to us. And then surrounding it in this area we have what's called the pericarp, and this is the part of the fruit that we eat, and this is what ripens from the ovary and will surround the seeds in a sweet delicious coating.
Now, as I'm sure you're aware there are many different types of fruit and they take all sorts of shapes and sizes, and in fact, we call a lot of fruits vegetables, even though they're technically fruits. For example, zucchini, technically a fruit. Right? It's got that ripened ovarian walls surrounding seeds. Not that sweet, which is why we call it a vegetable, but technically it is a fruit. And, of course, amongst fruits that we think of as fruits, there's a ton of variation. And what we'll see is that these are actually due to different types of development.
So you have simple fruits, and these are fruits like cherries. They develop from a single flower with a single carpel, or fused carpels, so a single pistil or a single carpel. And, these will have, you know, a simple structure like a cherry, that ovarian wall surrounding the little seed in there. And this forms from, again, one flower with its single pistil, or single carpel.
Now you can also have aggregate fruits, which develop from single flowers that have multiple carpels. And an example of this is the raspberry. So even though this develops from a single flower, all of these little morsels in the raspberry form from separate carpels, and they each have a seed in them. Those are again called aggregate fruits. We also have multiple fruits, which develop from multiple clustered flowers, and a nice example of this is the pineapple, which, you can kind of see in its structure how it would develop from clustered together flowers.
Lastly, we have accessory fruits, which develop from ovary tissues, as well as tissues outside the carpel. And a nice example of this is a strawberry, which has its seeds on the outside, and has its delicious fruity meat, inside the outer coating of seeds. So, many different types of fruits result from different types of flowers. And that's all I have for this lesson. I'll see you guys next time.