This video, we're going to focus on the specific components that are needed for dideoxy sequencing, but we're not going to get into the actual process of dideoxy sequencing until we get to another video later on in our course. In this video, we're only focusing on the specific components. And so the components that are needed in dideoxy sequencing reactions include the following 5 components that we have labeled down below a through e. And of course, these labels a through e that you see here correspond with the labels a through e that you see down below in our image. And so the very first component that is needed in a specific dideoxy sequencing reaction is, of course, the unknown template DNA of interest whose sequence we do not know, which is why we want to conduct dideoxy sequencing. And so over here, what we have is our template DNA, and you can see this is the DNA here. And we do not know the sequence of the DNA, which is why we want to conduct this sequencing to figure out what is the sequence of this DNA. So, that is the first component. Then, the second component that we are going to need is actually a DNA polymerase, which you might recall is an enzyme that polymerizes or builds DNA. And so DNA polymerase is the main enzyme that's needed for DNA replication. And so, what you'll see here down below is the second component that we need is the DNA polymerase. And of course, this is the components of dideoxy sequencing here. Okay?
Now, the third component that is needed is going to be DNA primers. And these DNA primers are going to anneal to the template strand. And so recall that DNA primers were used in the specific technique that we talked about in our previous lesson videos called polymerase chain reaction or PCR. And so, what we'll see moving forward is that dideoxy sequencing is actually going to use a special type of PCR, and we'll see that moving forward. Now the, DNA primers you can see down below right here, and there will need to be, of course, 2 DNA primers.
Now, the 4th component that is going to be needed are all 4 DNA, deoxyribonucleotides. And so these are going to be the normal, deoxyribonucleotides that are used in DNA, during normal cellular DNA replication. And so, these deoxyribonucleotides include DATP, DTTP, DGTP, and DCTP. So this is basically the adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. And then, you can see these deoxyribonucleotides down below here. And again, these are the normal DNA nucleotides.
And then of course, for dideoxy sequencing where the, the 5th and final component that we're going to need is a small amount of a single dideoxyribonucleotide. And so this is the special type of nucleotide. The DDATPs, DD TTPs, DDGTPs, and DDCTPs. And so in a particular dideoxy sequencing reaction within a single test tube, we would only want to use just one single, nucleotide. And so we would have to separate these reactions using different test tubes, to use different dideoxynucleotides And we'll talk more about this as we move forward in our course. And so recall that these DDNTPs, these dideoxyribonucleotides, they are going to terminate the DNA synthesis due to the presence of a 3 prime hydrogen, atom or group. And so, what you'll notice is down below right here, you can see that these are the dideoxyribo, DNA nucleotides. And so these are the special chain terminating, DDNTPs, dideoxynucleotides. And so these are really the 5 major components that are needed for dideoxy sequencing and these are the components that you will see mentioned as we move forward and talk more about the specifics of the process of dideoxy sequencing.
And so for now, this here concludes this lesson and, we'll be able to talk more about this as we move forward.