So before we can talk about the details of each of the steps in polymerase chain reaction or PCR, it's first helpful to talk about the components of Polymerase Chain Reaction. And so recall from our previous lesson video that PCR differs from DNA cloning in the location that the DNA is replicated. And so PCR occurs within a test tube, whereas cloning is going to occur within a cell. And so the components that go into the test tube during PCR include these components that we have listed down below. And so the components of the PCR mixture include a here is going to be a template DNA. And so the template DNA is going to contain the sequence of interest for the study that the scientist is interested in amplifying and creating more copies of it. And so down below in this table on the left-hand side, you can see that the components of the PCR mixture in this table correspond with the components of the PCR mixture that we have up above in the text. And so the template DNA, you can see, is right here in this image down below. Now for the second component, B, there are 2 primers that are required, 2 DNA primers. These 2 primers are going to be complementary to the opposite strands of DNA and are going to be oriented towards each other and serve as the starting point for the amplification. And so down below, what you can see is part b here are the DNA primers, which are gonna be small little DNA molecules, that are oriented opposite from one another. So notice that one goes from 5′ to 3′ left to right, and the other goes 5′ to 3′ right to left. And we'll talk more about these DNA primers and exactly how they're used as we move forward in our course. Now the third component that's going to be needed is a thermostable DNA polymerase. And the thermostable DNA polymerase is going to be the main enzyme that's used to synthesize the sequence of interest to amplify and make more copies of the DNA of interest. And so down below here in the 3rd component, c, you can see that we need a thermostable DNA polymerase, which is really, commonly going to be a DNA polymerase called Taq polymerase, which we'll get to talk more about Taq polymerase as we move forward in our course. Now the 4th and final component here that's going to be needed, in the PCR mixture is, d here, which is going to be all 4 deoxyribonucleotides or all 4 DNA nucleotides that are used to synthesize DNA. And so down below here in this image, you can see that d is going to include all 4 of those DNA nucleotides, which you can see over here, which includes these nucleotides that have the nitrogenous bases t, a, c, and g. And so these are the main components that are needed for a PCR mixture.
Now over here on the right-hand side, what we're showing you is a little glimpse of the process of amplifying a gene with PCR. And so, of course, you're gonna start off with your template DNA, which we have here in this first column. And it turns out that PCR, polymerase chain reaction, actually occurs in a series of cycles. And so, the first cycle you can see is going to amplify the DNA. The second cycle will amplify the DNA even more, and the third cycle will amplify the DNA even more. And continuous cycles will amplify the DNA more and more and more. And so there's actually a PCR formula that can be used to determine the number of new copies of template DNA that are made at each cycle. And the formula is relatively simple. It's just 2n where n is gonna act as an exponent here, and n is just a variable that represents the number of PCR cycles. And so for example, if we wanted to calculate the number of new copies of template DNA in the first cycle of PCR, all we need to do is take 21 since one is representing cycle number 1. And so 21 is equal to 2. And so notice that after the first cycle, there are 2 new copies of DNA. Now after the second cycle, if we wanted to calculate how many new copies of template DNA there would be, you just take 22. And 22 is equal to 4. And so you can see that there are 4 new copies of the DNA after cycle number 2 of PCR. And the same goes for cycle number 3. If we want to calculate the number of new copies of template DNA, you just take 23, which is the number of cycles, cycle 3. And 23 is equal to 8. And so you can see that there are 8 copies of the DNA, after cycle number 3. And so, we'll be able to get some practice applying these concepts that we've learned as we move forward in our course. And then later, we'll get to talk about the actual steps that are involved in polymerase chain reaction or PCR. So I'll see you all in our next video.