This video, we're going to talk about the first type of exploitation in our lesson, which is predation. And so predation is when one organism, which we call the predator, kills and eats another organism, which we call the prey. And so predators and prey in a community are constantly in what we call a coevolutionary arms race, which refers to this cycle of reciprocal adaptations, where predators are constantly evolving adaptations to help them better catch their prey, while simultaneously, prey are constantly evolving adaptations to help them better escape their predators. And so we call this coevolution, which refers to when 2 or more interacting species are constantly evolving in response to each other. And so as an example, why are cheetahs and springboks so fast?
Well, they're not arbitrarily fast. The answer to this question is that cheetahs need to be fast in order to catch and eat their prey like the springboks. And springboks need to be fast because they need to be able to escape their predators like the cheetahs. And so it's simply the case that cheetahs and springboks that weren't fast enough didn't survive long enough to breed, and so that left us with only fast cheetahs and fast springboks. And these 2 are still in a coevolutionary arms race today.
And so this here concludes our lesson on predation, and I'll see you all in our next video.