This video, we're going to begin our introduction to population growth models. Now, a population growth model is really just a mathematical tool or framework that's used to describe and predict how a population size will change over time, allowing us to keep tabs on populations within communities and to make informed decisions about how we either should or shouldn't take action to either fulfill or prevent these predictions depending on the situation. Moving forward in our course, we're going to cover three population growth models in their own separate videos, which are the linear population growth model, the exponential population growth model, and last but not least, the logistic population growth model. And what you should notice here is that each of these models has their own specific theme color that we're going to maintain moving forward in our course. Before we discuss each of these models separately, we need to overview a few things that are common to all three models.
So we'll do that first, and I'll see you all there.