So here we have an example problem that asks, which global air circulation and precipitation cells contribute to the dry desert terrain in Australia? And we've got these three potential answer options down below. Now taking a look at this image on the right-hand side, notice that Australia is showing up right here at this particular position, and most of Australia shows up between the 0-degree latitude or the equator and the 30 degrees south latitude. But there is a small bit of Australia that is appearing between 30 degrees and 60 degrees latitude. And so recall that the air circulation and precipitation cells that correspond with these latitudes are going to be the Hadley cell, which appears between 0 and 30 degrees latitude, and the Ferrel cell, which appears between 30 and 60 degrees latitude.
And so notice that answer option c says Hadley and Ferrel cells. And so we can indicate that option c is going to be the correct answer to this practice problem. Now option a says Hadley and polar cells, but the Hadley and polar cells are not adjacent to one another. So that is not going to be the correct answer. And then option b says Ferrel and polar cells, but the polar cell does not fall on top of Australia, and so it's not going to be affecting it, as much as the Hadley cell will.
So we can eliminate answer option b. So again, c here is correct. That concludes this example, and I'll see you on our next video.