This video, we're going to talk briefly about coral reefs. Coral reefs are ridges formed by the calcium carbonate exoskeletons of corals, specifically coral polyps, which are aquatic animals that secrete calcium carbonate, or CaCO3. Over time, the calcium carbonate builds up to form complex and sturdy exoskeletons, giving the coral reef its detailed shape, as shown here in this image. Coral reefs are located in shallow, warm waters found in tropical and subtropical waters. This image shows little red circles representing the locations of coral reefs throughout the world.
Coral reefs are among the most diverse and productive ecosystems on Earth. They have the highest biodiversity of all aquatic biomes, earning them the nickname "rainforests of the sea." Coral reefs are delicate and sensitive, requiring very specific conditions to thrive. It's important for us to be conscious and aware of this so we can protect these delicate and crucial aquatic biomes. This concludes our brief lesson on coral reefs.