In this video, we're going to talk a little bit more about how to read pedigrees. Pedigrees are typically read from the top to the bottom, starting from the first generation. Now in our example below, we're going to use this pedigree to determine the relationships between the indicated individuals on the pedigree. Over here, what we have are the indicated individuals. Here we're going to put the specific relationships. And again over here we have the pedigree itself. The first set of shapes that we see at the very top represents the very first generation or the P generation, if you will. You can see that we have an unaffected male because it's an unshaded square, mating with an affected female because it's a shaded circle. And then, of course, the next generation of organisms that we see here would be the F1 generation, the first generation of children. And then, of course, the generation below them would represent the F2 generation, the generation that is going to be the children of the F1 generation.
What you'll notice here is that person number 1, indicated here with the number 1, is going to be person number 5's father. The reason for that is because there is a vertical connection between person 1 and person 5, and that means that person 5 is the offspring of person 1, and of course, person 1 is a male so that means that person 1 is going to be person 5's father. Moving on to the next one, we have person number 7, which is over here, and person number 4, which is over here. What you'll notice here is that both of them are vertically connected to the same sets of parents, which means that they are siblings to one another, and more specifically, because they're both females they are sisters. So person 7 and person 4 are sisters.
Lastly, we have person number 11, which is down here, and person 6 which is up here. It says person number 11 is person 6's daughter. The reason that we know that again is because there is a vertical connection between the two, so that means that these will be the parents and these will be the offspring. And of course, 11 is a circle which means that she is a female. So that means that she would be person 6's daughter. This here concludes our example problem, and we'll be able to get more practice reading pedigrees as we move along through our course. But for now, this here concludes this video, and I'll see you all in our next one.