Just like cyclic AMP has a bunch of functions in the cell, G also carries out a wide variety of functions in cell signaling. In addition to activating adenylyl cyclase, G protein with GTP bound will also activate phospholipase C, which is an enzyme you might remember from the last unit. And this enzyme cleaves lipids. Hopefully, you remember specifically where it cleaves lipids, as that's something that we covered for the last exam. Now phospholipase C, in the case of cell signaling, will cleave the bond between the inositol phosphate and the glycerol of the molecule phosphatidylinositol or abbreviated as PIP2. And you can see that happening right here. We have our G protein-coupled receptor, with ligand bound, and that this little light thing saying it's that G is activating phospholipase C PLC, what we see right there. And it's going to cleave this molecule, PIP2, Phosphatidyl Inositol, and it's going to cleave it into what's abbreviated as IP3 or Inositol Triphosphate. What you see right here And it's also the other part of the molecule after it's cleaved is called diacylglycerol or DAG. So, just to recap, Phospholipase C gets activated by G and it cleaves PIP2, into DAG and IP3. Done. Just to note quickly that DAG will stay in the membrane, whereas IP3 will exit the membrane, as it is able to interact with water much better. The other part of the molecule is very hydrophobic lipid, but IP3 has those phosphate groups meaning, it's going to have a lot of charge so it can interact with water very nicely. So, inositol triphosphate will actually go diffuse into the cell and it will open up these calcium channels. So here's some sort of internal cell membrane. It's going to activate these calcium channels so that calcium gets released. And diacylglycerol and calcium, these guys will actually lead to the activation of protein kinase C. Additionally, inositol triphosphate and calcium will act as secondary messengers in a variety of other signaling pathways. But just know that calcium and diacylglycerol will activate protein kinase C. And know how the cleavage of phosphatidylinositol leads to DAG and IP3. Moving on, we've spent a lot of time on G protein-coupled receptors. Now, let's actually take a look at a different type of receptor, called receptor tyrosine kinase or RTK. And these are receptors that are capable of autophosphorylating, meaning they can phosphorylate themselves and they'll do so at tyrosine residues. And they'll do this in response to ligand binding. So we're going to look at insulin as our example of an RTK or the insulin receptor rather as an example of an RTK. And the insulin receptor actually works best as a dimer. And you can see that we have a nice protein dimer right there meaning that we have these 2 halves basically coming together to, or dimerizing, and forming this nice protein dimer that we see there acting as a receptor. And here, we have insulin. That's our ligand. And insulin is going to bind into our receptor phosphorylation cascade. So let me hop out of the image here. So what you can see happening is this is autophosphorylate. You can see here that it is autophosphorylate. You can see here that it is going to have a bunch of phosphate groups attached to it. And specifically with insulin, the insulin receptor after it is phosphorylated, it's going to phosphorylate a protein called IRS1, and IRS1 is going to turn on this RAS protein complex. So it's a complex of proteins, kind of like all bound together. IRS1 is going to turn on RAS, the RAS protein complex. The RAS protein complex phosphorylates MEK. MEK phosphorylates ERK, and ERK enters the nucleus and activates genes. So basically, insulin binds, the receptor tyrosine kinase does its autophosphorylation, and this generates a phosphorylation cascade which ultimately leads to this protein ERK entering the nucleus and activating certain genes leading to the expression of certain genes. Anyways, IRS1 also activates protein kinase B, right? So hopefully you're starting to see a pattern here that all these components of signaling pathways tend to do multiple things, right? They don't just have one simple job. So anyways, IRS1 also activates protein kinase B, and that ultimately leads to more glucose transporters, specifically GLUT4 transporter in the membrane. So let's back up and think about this for a second. So insulin is released in response to high sugar levels in your blood. So when insulin is released, it's going to bind to this receptor tyrosine kinase and activate a bunch of genes related to processing this sugar basically. Additionally, it's going to activate protein kinase B and protein kinase B is going to put these glucose receptors on the membrane to transport into the cell this high concentration of glucose that is, that is present outside the cell, right? Like in the blood. So thinking about it on a more medical level, we often say that insulin lowers blood sugar levels. Well, this is partially how it's doing that by increasing the number of glucose transporters in the membrane thereby taking sugar out of the blood and putting it in the cell. Additionally, insulin causes glycogen formation because you have this excess of sugar; you want to store some of it for later because you don't need to burn all of it right away for nutrients. So protein kinase B, in addition to causing those GLUT4 receptors to be integrated into the membrane, also leads to the activation of glycogen synthase. And the way it does that is, it actually inactivates GSK3 or glycogen synthase kinase. That's what the GSK is. So it inactivates GSK3, and that allows glycogen synthase to become active because it's now, this is where things maybe get a little confusing. So GSK3 is normally an active protein, and its job is to inactivate glycogen synthase. So normally, GSK3 is on and it's keeping glycogen synthase off. And it does this by phosphorylating it. Here's a great example of where phosphorylating something actually inactivates it. So GSK3 keeps glycogen synthase off by phosphorylating it. But when protein kinase B comes around, it phosphorylates GSK3 which inactivates GSK3. And that allows glycogen synthase to actually become active and synthesize glycogen with all that extra glucose. And remember, a lot of glucose is getting transported into the cell now because of those extra glucose transporters. So you can see how this one ligand, right? Insulin is doing a wide variety of things in the cell but they're all kind of related to this central theme of trying to do something about all that sugar. So, hopefully, that kind of helps illustrate a little bit how expansive these signaling pathways are and how they can integrate into one another. Alright. Let's flip the page.
- 1. Introduction to Biochemistry4h 34m
- What is Biochemistry?5m
- Characteristics of Life12m
- Abiogenesis13m
- Nucleic Acids16m
- Proteins12m
- Carbohydrates8m
- Lipids10m
- Taxonomy10m
- Cell Organelles12m
- Endosymbiotic Theory11m
- Central Dogma22m
- Functional Groups15m
- Chemical Bonds13m
- Organic Chemistry31m
- Entropy17m
- Second Law of Thermodynamics11m
- Equilibrium Constant10m
- Gibbs Free Energy37m
- 2. Water3h 23m
- 3. Amino Acids8h 10m
- Amino Acid Groups8m
- Amino Acid Three Letter Code13m
- Amino Acid One Letter Code37m
- Amino Acid Configuration20m
- Essential Amino Acids14m
- Nonpolar Amino Acids21m
- Aromatic Amino Acids14m
- Polar Amino Acids16m
- Charged Amino Acids40m
- How to Memorize Amino Acids1h 7m
- Zwitterion33m
- Non-Ionizable Vs. Ionizable R-Groups11m
- Isoelectric Point10m
- Isoelectric Point of Amino Acids with Ionizable R-Groups51m
- Titrations of Amino Acids with Non-Ionizable R-Groups44m
- Titrations of Amino Acids with Ionizable R-Groups38m
- Amino Acids and Henderson-Hasselbalch44m
- 4. Protein Structure10h 4m
- Peptide Bond18m
- Primary Structure of Protein31m
- Altering Primary Protein Structure15m
- Drawing a Peptide44m
- Determining Net Charge of a Peptide42m
- Isoelectric Point of a Peptide37m
- Approximating Protein Mass7m
- Peptide Group22m
- Ramachandran Plot26m
- Atypical Ramachandran Plots12m
- Alpha Helix15m
- Alpha Helix Pitch and Rise20m
- Alpha Helix Hydrogen Bonding24m
- Alpha Helix Disruption23m
- Beta Strand12m
- Beta Sheet12m
- Antiparallel and Parallel Beta Sheets39m
- Beta Turns26m
- Tertiary Structure of Protein16m
- Protein Motifs and Domains23m
- Denaturation14m
- Anfinsen Experiment20m
- Protein Folding34m
- Chaperone Proteins19m
- Prions4m
- Quaternary Structure15m
- Simple Vs. Conjugated Proteins10m
- Fibrous and Globular Proteins11m
- 5. Protein Techniques14h 5m
- Protein Purification7m
- Protein Extraction5m
- Differential Centrifugation15m
- Salting Out18m
- Dialysis9m
- Column Chromatography11m
- Ion-Exchange Chromatography35m
- Anion-Exchange Chromatography38m
- Size Exclusion Chromatography28m
- Affinity Chromatography16m
- Specific Activity16m
- HPLC29m
- Spectrophotometry51m
- Native Gel Electrophoresis23m
- SDS-PAGE Strategies16m
- Isoelectric Focusing17m
- 2D-Electrophoresis23m
- Diagonal Electrophoresis29m
- Mass Spectrometry12m
- Mass Spectrum47m
- Tandem Mass Spectrometry16m
- Peptide Mass Fingerprinting16m
- Overview of Direct Protein Sequencing30m
- Amino Acid Hydrolysis10m
- FDNB26m
- Chemical Cleavage of Bonds29m
- Peptidases1h 6m
- Edman Degradation30m
- Edman Degradation Sequenator and Sequencing Data Analysis4m
- Edman Degradation Reaction Efficiency20m
- Ordering Cleaved Fragments21m
- Strategy for Ordering Cleaved Fragments58m
- Indirect Protein Sequencing Via Geneomic Analyses24m
- 6. Enzymes and Enzyme Kinetics13h 38m
- Enzymes24m
- Enzyme-Substrate Complex17m
- Lock and Key Vs. Induced Fit Models23m
- Optimal Enzyme Conditions9m
- Activation Energy24m
- Types of Enzymes41m
- Cofactor15m
- Catalysis19m
- Electrostatic and Metal Ion Catalysis11m
- Covalent Catalysis18m
- Reaction Rate10m
- Enzyme Kinetics24m
- Rate Constants and Rate Law35m
- Reaction Orders52m
- Rate Constant Units11m
- Initial Velocity31m
- Vmax Enzyme27m
- Km Enzyme42m
- Steady-State Conditions25m
- Michaelis-Menten Assumptions18m
- Michaelis-Menten Equation52m
- Lineweaver-Burk Plot43m
- Michaelis-Menten vs. Lineweaver-Burk Plots20m
- Shifting Lineweaver-Burk Plots37m
- Calculating Vmax40m
- Calculating Km31m
- Kcat46m
- Specificity Constant1h 1m
- 7. Enzyme Inhibition and Regulation 8h 42m
- Enzyme Inhibition13m
- Irreversible Inhibition12m
- Reversible Inhibition9m
- Inhibition Constant26m
- Degree of Inhibition15m
- Apparent Km and Vmax29m
- Inhibition Effects on Reaction Rate10m
- Competitive Inhibition52m
- Uncompetitive Inhibition33m
- Mixed Inhibition40m
- Noncompetitive Inhibition26m
- Recap of Reversible Inhibition37m
- Allosteric Regulation7m
- Allosteric Kinetics17m
- Allosteric Enzyme Conformations33m
- Allosteric Effectors18m
- Concerted (MWC) Model25m
- Sequential (KNF) Model20m
- Negative Feedback13m
- Positive Feedback15m
- Post Translational Modification14m
- Ubiquitination19m
- Phosphorylation16m
- Zymogens13m
- 8. Protein Function 9h 41m
- Introduction to Protein-Ligand Interactions15m
- Protein-Ligand Equilibrium Constants22m
- Protein-Ligand Fractional Saturation32m
- Myoglobin vs. Hemoglobin27m
- Heme Prosthetic Group31m
- Hemoglobin Cooperativity23m
- Hill Equation21m
- Hill Plot42m
- Hemoglobin Binding in Tissues & Lungs31m
- Hemoglobin Carbonation & Protonation19m
- Bohr Effect23m
- BPG Regulation of Hemoglobin24m
- Fetal Hemoglobin6m
- Sickle Cell Anemia24m
- Chymotrypsin18m
- Chymotrypsin's Catalytic Mechanism38m
- Glycogen Phosphorylase21m
- Liver vs Muscle Glycogen Phosphorylase21m
- Antibody35m
- ELISA15m
- Motor Proteins14m
- Skeletal Muscle Anatomy22m
- Skeletal Muscle Contraction45m
- 9. Carbohydrates7h 49m
- Carbohydrates19m
- Monosaccharides15m
- Stereochemistry of Monosaccharides33m
- Monosaccharide Configurations32m
- Cyclic Monosaccharides20m
- Hemiacetal vs. Hemiketal19m
- Anomer14m
- Mutarotation13m
- Pyranose Conformations23m
- Common Monosaccharides33m
- Derivatives of Monosaccharides21m
- Reducing Sugars21m
- Reducing Sugars Tests19m
- Glycosidic Bond48m
- Disaccharides40m
- Glycoconjugates12m
- Polysaccharide7m
- Cellulose7m
- Chitin8m
- Peptidoglycan12m
- Starch13m
- Glycogen14m
- Lectins16m
- 10. Lipids5h 49m
- Lipids15m
- Fatty Acids30m
- Fatty Acid Nomenclature11m
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids12m
- Triacylglycerols11m
- Glycerophospholipids24m
- Sphingolipids13m
- Sphingophospholipids8m
- Sphingoglycolipids12m
- Sphingolipid Recap22m
- Waxes5m
- Eicosanoids19m
- Isoprenoids9m
- Steroids14m
- Steroid Hormones11m
- Lipid Vitamins19m
- Comprehensive Final Lipid Map13m
- Biological Membranes16m
- Physical Properties of Biological Membranes18m
- Types of Membrane Proteins8m
- Integral Membrane Proteins16m
- Peripheral Membrane Proteins12m
- Lipid-Linked Membrane Proteins21m
- 11. Biological Membranes and Transport 6h 37m
- Biological Membrane Transport21m
- Passive vs. Active Transport18m
- Passive Membrane Transport21m
- Facilitated Diffusion8m
- Erythrocyte Facilitated Transporter Models30m
- Membrane Transport of Ions29m
- Primary Active Membrane Transport15m
- Sodium-Potassium Ion Pump20m
- SERCA: Calcium Ion Pump10m
- ABC Transporters12m
- Secondary Active Membrane Transport12m
- Glucose Active Symporter Model19m
- Endocytosis & Exocytosis18m
- Neurotransmitter Release23m
- Summary of Membrane Transport21m
- Thermodynamics of Membrane Diffusion: Uncharged Molecule51m
- Thermodynamics of Membrane Diffusion: Charged Ion1h 1m
- 12. Biosignaling9h 45m
- Introduction to Biosignaling44m
- G protein-Coupled Receptors32m
- Stimulatory Adenylate Cyclase GPCR Signaling42m
- cAMP & PKA28m
- Inhibitory Adenylate Cyclase GPCR Signaling29m
- Drugs & Toxins Affecting GPCR Signaling20m
- Recap of Adenylate Cyclase GPCR Signaling5m
- Phosphoinositide GPCR Signaling58m
- PSP Secondary Messengers & PKC27m
- Recap of Phosphoinositide Signaling7m
- Receptor Tyrosine Kinases26m
- Insulin28m
- Insulin Receptor23m
- Insulin Signaling on Glucose Metabolism57m
- Recap Of Insulin Signaling in Glucose Metabolism6m
- Insulin Signaling as a Growth Factor1h 1m
- Recap of Insulin Signaling As A Growth Factor9m
- Recap of Insulin Signaling1m
- Jak-Stat Signaling25m
- Lipid Hormone Signaling15m
- Summary of Biosignaling13m
- Signaling Defects & Cancer20m
- Review 1: Nucleic Acids, Lipids, & Membranes2h 47m
- Nucleic Acids 19m
- Nucleic Acids 211m
- Nucleic Acids 34m
- Nucleic Acids 44m
- DNA Sequencing 19m
- DNA Sequencing 211m
- Lipids 111m
- Lipids 24m
- Membrane Structure 110m
- Membrane Structure 29m
- Membrane Transport 18m
- Membrane Transport 24m
- Membrane Transport 36m
- Practice - Nucleic Acids 111m
- Practice - Nucleic Acids 23m
- Practice - Nucleic Acids 39m
- Lipids11m
- Practice - Membrane Structure 17m
- Practice - Membrane Structure 25m
- Practice - Membrane Transport 16m
- Practice - Membrane Transport 26m
- Review 2: Biosignaling, Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis, & PP-Pathway3h 12m
- Biosignaling 19m
- Biosignaling 219m
- Biosignaling 311m
- Biosignaling 49m
- Glycolysis 17m
- Glycolysis 27m
- Glycolysis 38m
- Glycolysis 410m
- Fermentation6m
- Gluconeogenesis 18m
- Gluconeogenesis 27m
- Pentose Phosphate Pathway15m
- Practice - Biosignaling13m
- Practice - Bioenergetics 110m
- Practice - Bioenergetics 216m
- Practice - Glycolysis 111m
- Practice - Glycolysis 27m
- Practice - Gluconeogenesis5m
- Practice - Pentose Phosphate Path6m
- Review 3: Pyruvate & Fatty Acid Oxidation, Citric Acid Cycle, & Glycogen Metabolism2h 26m
- Pyruvate Oxidation9m
- Citric Acid Cycle 114m
- Citric Acid Cycle 27m
- Citric Acid Cycle 37m
- Citric Acid Cycle 411m
- Metabolic Regulation 18m
- Metabolic Regulation 213m
- Glycogen Metabolism 16m
- Glycogen Metabolism 28m
- Fatty Acid Oxidation 111m
- Fatty Acid Oxidation 28m
- Citric Acid Cycle Practice 17m
- Citric Acid Cycle Practice 26m
- Citric Acid Cycle Practice 32m
- Glucose and Glycogen Regulation Practice 14m
- Glucose and Glycogen Regulation Practice 26m
- Fatty Acid Oxidation Practice 14m
- Fatty Acid Oxidation Practice 27m
- Review 4: Amino Acid Oxidation, Oxidative Phosphorylation, & Photophosphorylation1h 48m
- Amino Acid Oxidation 15m
- Amino Acid Oxidation 211m
- Oxidative Phosphorylation 18m
- Oxidative Phosphorylation 210m
- Oxidative Phosphorylation 310m
- Oxidative Phosphorylation 47m
- Photophosphorylation 15m
- Photophosphorylation 29m
- Photophosphorylation 310m
- Practice: Amino Acid Oxidation 12m
- Practice: Amino Acid Oxidation 22m
- Practice: Oxidative Phosphorylation 15m
- Practice: Oxidative Phosphorylation 24m
- Practice: Oxidative Phosphorylation 35m
- Practice: Photophosphorylation 15m
- Practice: Photophosphorylation 21m
Biosignaling 3: Videos & Practice Problems
G proteins play a crucial role in cell signaling by activating enzymes like phospholipase C, which cleaves phosphatidylinositol (PIP2) into inositol triphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG). IP3 facilitates calcium release, while DAG activates protein kinase C. Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), such as the insulin receptor, undergo autophosphorylation upon ligand binding, triggering cascades that enhance glucose transport and glycogen synthesis. This signaling pathway illustrates the interconnectedness of cellular responses to maintain homeostasis, particularly in regulating blood sugar levels through GLUT4 transporters and glycogen synthase activation.
Biosignaling 3
Video transcript
Here’s what students ask on this topic:
What role does phospholipase C play in G protein-coupled receptor signaling?
Phospholipase C (PLC) is an enzyme activated by G proteins in G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling. When a ligand binds to a GPCR, the G protein activates PLC. PLC then cleaves phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) into two secondary messengers: inositol triphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG). IP3 diffuses into the cytoplasm and binds to IP3 receptors on the endoplasmic reticulum, causing the release of calcium ions (Ca2+) into the cytoplasm. DAG remains in the membrane and, along with Ca2+, activates protein kinase C (PKC). This cascade of events leads to various cellular responses, such as changes in gene expression, metabolism, and cell growth.

How does the insulin receptor function as a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)?
The insulin receptor is a type of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) that functions by autophosphorylation. When insulin binds to the extracellular domain of the receptor, the receptor dimerizes and undergoes autophosphorylation at specific tyrosine residues. This phosphorylation activates the receptor's intrinsic kinase activity, leading to the phosphorylation of downstream signaling proteins such as insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1). IRS1 activates a cascade involving the RAS protein complex, MEK, and ERK, which ultimately leads to gene expression changes. Additionally, IRS1 activates protein kinase B (PKB), which increases glucose transporter (GLUT4) translocation to the cell membrane and promotes glycogen synthesis by inactivating glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3).

What are the secondary messengers produced by phospholipase C, and what are their functions?
Phospholipase C (PLC) produces two secondary messengers: inositol triphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG). IP3 is water-soluble and diffuses through the cytoplasm to bind to IP3 receptors on the endoplasmic reticulum, triggering the release of calcium ions (Ca2+) into the cytoplasm. This increase in Ca2+ concentration can activate various calcium-dependent processes, including muscle contraction and enzyme activation. DAG remains in the plasma membrane and, together with Ca2+, activates protein kinase C (PKC). PKC phosphorylates target proteins, leading to diverse cellular responses such as changes in gene expression, cell growth, and metabolism.

How does insulin signaling lead to increased glucose uptake in cells?
Insulin signaling increases glucose uptake in cells through a series of steps involving the insulin receptor, a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK). When insulin binds to its receptor, the receptor undergoes autophosphorylation and activates insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1). IRS1 then activates protein kinase B (PKB), also known as Akt. Activated PKB promotes the translocation of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) vesicles to the cell membrane. GLUT4 transporters facilitate the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream into the cell. Additionally, PKB inactivates glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), leading to the activation of glycogen synthase and promoting glycogen storage. These processes collectively lower blood glucose levels.

What is the role of protein kinase C in cell signaling?
Protein kinase C (PKC) plays a crucial role in cell signaling by phosphorylating various target proteins, leading to diverse cellular responses. PKC is activated by diacylglycerol (DAG) and calcium ions (Ca2+), which are produced during the activation of phospholipase C (PLC) in G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling. Once activated, PKC phosphorylates specific serine and threonine residues on target proteins, modulating their activity. This can result in changes in gene expression, cell growth, differentiation, and metabolism. PKC is involved in various physiological processes, including immune responses, neuronal signaling, and regulation of cell cycle and apoptosis.