In this video, we're going to talk about the primary structure of a protein. So in our last lesson video, we said that free amino acids that are separate and independent from one another can actually be covalently linked together in a chain via peptide bonds to create a polypeptide chain. And so once these free independent amino acids are actually linked together, they're referred to as amino acid residues. And so all a residue is, is an amino acid that has been linked in a polypeptide chain. And so, when biochemists refer to the primary protein structure, they're really referring to both the amino acid composition and the sequence of amino acid residues in a chain. And so, the composition is really referring to both the number or the quantity and the types of amino acids that are present, but it doesn't include the order that the amino acids come in. And that's where the sequence comes into play because the sequence is the particular or the exact order of amino acid residues specifically from the n terminal end of a protein to the c terminal end of a protein.
And so, in our example below, we're going to talk about the primary protein structure and how it consists of composition and sequence. And so what we have is on the far left here is the composition, and on the right, what we have is the sequence. So we're going to talk about the composition first. And recall that the composition is the number and the types of amino acids. So the composition will tell us that there's a total of 6 amino acids and it will tell us that there's only 1 each of valine, alanine, methionine, and phenylalanine, and that there are 2 glycines. But, again, it's not going to tell us the order that these amino acids come in, so we have no idea if valine comes first or if glycine comes first. We have no idea. And so also notice that these amino acids here are not linked via peptide bonds, so they are free and independent from another one another, so they are free amino acids.
And so, as you guys already know, free amino acids all have an n terminal end, so they all have an amino group and a carboxyl group. So that is true for all of them. Now, I'm not going to draw all of this for all of them, but we already know that free amino acids have an amino group and a carboxyl group and they're free and ionizable. And so when we consider the sequence over here, notice that now these amino acids are actually linked together, and they're linked by these black lines here between the amino acids. And so these black lines are the peptide bonds. We know that once an amino acid is linked to a chain in a peptide with a peptide bond, it's referred to as an amino acid residue. And so these are all amino acid residues. And notice that our protein chain here has 2 different ends. It has the n terminal end and it has a c terminal end on the opposite end. And whenever you're considering the sequence of a protein, it's always going to be from the n terminal to the c terminal , even if it's not indicated. That's just always the assumption and biochemists always consider the sequence from n terminal to the c terminal. It's like writing a sentence in English. You always write it from left to right, you always start with a capital letter, so the n terminal, and you always end with punctuation, a c terminal, so that's just the way that it is.
And so, we know that on the n terminal end over here that there's going to be a free amino group. So, the amino groups at physiological pH are NH3 with a positive charge. And then the c terminal end here, the c stands for the carboxyl group. So we know it's going to be a free carboxylate anion at physiological pH. And so notice that these internal amino acid residues actually don't have these ionizable or free groups. They don't have free amino groups or carboxyl groups, and that's because when a peptide bond forms via dehydration synthesis reactions, we know that the amino group interacts with the carboxyl group of another amino acid, and so they basically when they interact, that gets rid of their ion their ability to ionize. So these guys do not have ionizable amino groups and carboxyl groups. It's only going to be the ones that are on the end. So the one on the far left will have a free amino group but lacks a carboxyl group, and then the one on the far right is going to have a free carboxyl group but lacks a free amino group.
And so, the last thing I want to leave you guys off with is that, whenever you change either the composition or sequence, you're going to change the primary protein structure as well. So keep that in mind. A change to either the composition or sequence will affect the primary protein structure. And so, this concludes our lesson on primary protein structure, and we'll be able to apply these concepts in our next practice problem. So I'll see you guys there.