Alright. So now that we talked about the pre steady state conditions in our last lesson video, in this video, we're going to talk about the steady state conditions. And so steady state is literally just referring to a specific period of time during an enzyme catalyzed reaction where the concentration of enzyme substrate complex stays exactly the same. And so if the concentration of enzyme substrate complex stays exactly the same, then, of course, what this means is that the rate or the velocity of the enzyme substrate complex association must be exactly equal to the rate or the velocity of the enzyme substrate complex dissociation.
And so, in other words, to say the same exact thing right here, we can say that if the concentration of enzyme substrate complex remains constant or remains exactly the same, then, of course, what this means is that the rate of the enzyme substrate complex association or for that matter is going to be exactly equal to the rate of the enzyme substrate complex dissociation or . Now just as a reminder down below over here, recall that at the very, very beginning of an enzyme catalyzed reaction, the enzyme substrate complex here in the middle can only associate or form in one way via this forward reaction right here. And so the rate or the velocity of this forward reaction that allows the enzyme substrate complex to associate is going to be .
And then also recall that the enzyme substrate complex here in the middle can actually dissociate in 2 different ways. It can dissociate backwards here to form the free substrate and the free enzyme, and the enzyme substrate complex could also dissociate forward to form the free enzyme and the free product. And so, really, the rate or the velocity of the enzyme substrate complex dissociation is gonna be the sum of the backwards rate, or , plus the rate of this forward dissociation, . And so really this equation that we see right here is the assumption that we can make under steady state conditions.
And so in our next lesson video, we'll see that this assumption here in this equation is very important and that's because we can actually use this equation and this assumption here, to derive the Michaelis constant kilometers. And we'll be able to talk about in our next lesson video, how to rearrange this equation to derive the kilometers in our next lesson video. But for now, all I want you guys to know is that this equation is the most important assumption of steady state conditions. And again, it's important because we can derive the Michaelis constant kilometers.
Now even though we have not yet talked about the Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics equation, we are going to talk about this equation later in our course. And so what's important to note now is that this Michaelis-Menten Enzyme Kinetics equation that we'll talk about later is actually derived under these steady state conditions that we're talking about here. And so, that's another reason why steady state conditions and this equation is so important.
And so really notice down below over here, we're just reminding you guys of the important assumption of steady state conditions. And that is that the velocity of the association of the enzyme substrate complex or is going to be exactly equal to the velocity of the dissociation of the enzyme substrate complex, which is gonna be .
Now, notice over here we're showing you this graph where we have on the y-axis and the time as the reaction progresses on the x-axis. And notice that in the light blue background over here at the very of the reaction, what we have are the pre steady state conditions, which we already talked about in our last lesson video. Now notice over here in the yellow background, what we have are the steady state conditions, which again is just where the concentration of the enzyme substrate complex stays exactly the same. And so notice that in this yellow region, the concentration of enzyme substrate complex here in red stays exactly the same. And, of course, this is going to mean that the is going to equal to the , during this steady state period.
Now notice that in this yellow region, it is possible for the substrate concentration to change and it is possible for the product concentration to change. And again, steady state conditions is really just applying to the enzyme substrate complex. But you'll also notice that the concentration of free enzyme stays the same. But again, steady state conditions is more so referring to the concentration of enzyme substrate complex.
Now, last but not least, I want you guys to notice that we have this third star over here. And recall that the thirds, the stars are going to be important later in our course when we're talking about the assumptions that we need, to use the Michaelis-Menten Enzyme Kinetics Equation when we cover it later in our course. But for now, the main takeaways here of the steady state conditions is that the enzyme substrate complex stays the same and that allows us to use this equation, and that equation allows us to derive the kilometers and the Michaelis Menten Enzyme Kinetics Equation. And so that concludes this video here and we'll be able to get some practice in our next video. So, I'll see you guys there.