So now that we've introduced enzyme inhibition, in this video, we're going to talk about our first category of enzyme inhibition, which is irreversible inhibition. Now of course, irreversible inhibition is caused by irreversible inhibitors. And irreversible inhibitors are just enzyme inhibitors that bind very, very, very tightly and pretty much irreversibly to the enzyme to not only decrease its activity but completely stop or halt the enzyme's activity. Pretty much decreasing the enzyme's initial reaction velocity or all the way down to 0. Now these irreversible inhibitors can form stable covalent bonds with the enzyme and because these are such stable covalent bonds, they are very, very difficult to break which is why these bonds are pretty much irreversible. And because irreversible inhibitors pretty much stop and inactivate the enzyme activity, they're also known as inactivators. And so inactivators and irreversible inhibitors are pretty much synonyms with each other. Now, it's important to note that one irreversible inhibitor will permanently neutralize or remove one active enzyme. So it's a one to one ratio. And if we want to inactivate all of the enzyme that's present, then we need to add the exact same amount of irreversible inhibitor. Now, these irreversible inhibitors or inactivators are often powerful poisons. However, they can also be used by doctors as drugs in medicine as well. Notice down below in our example image, we're showing you how an irreversible inhibitor can interact with a free enzyme and form the enzyme-inhibitor complex. However, irreversible inhibitors can also interact with the enzyme-substrate complex as well to form the enzyme-substrate-inhibitor complex. Here, we're just showing you one version, but it can actually bind to both the free enzyme as well as the enzyme-substrate complex. But really the main point of irreversible inhibitors is that whenever they actually bind and form a complex, whether that complex be the enzyme-inhibitor complex or the enzyme-substrate-inhibitor complex, it is an irreversible formation of the complex. So notice that we have a one-direction arrow here and we don't have equilibrium arrows, which would suggest that the complex could break down backward. But here we just have this one-way arrow.
Notice down below, we're showing you how the molecule DIPF is an example of an irreversible inhibitor. DIPF is the molecule diisopropylphosphofluoridate and its structure is shown right here. Notice on the right what we have is the enzyme that we're pretty familiar with from our previous lesson videos, and it is chymotrypsin, and, of course, this is the active version of chymotrypsin. It turns out that the active version of chymotrypsin has a serine amino acid residue in the active site that's critical for proper catalysis by chymotrypsin. Notice that the irreversible inhibitor, DIPF, will actually react with this important serine residue and it will form an irreversible complex here where notice that the irreversible inhibitor, DIPF, is covalently bound here through this pink bond to the serine amino acid residue that is critical for chymotrypsin to be active. And so notice here now what we have is an inactive chymotrypsin. And because this is a stable covalent bond, it makes DIPF an irreversible inhibitor and it will essentially, again, completely inactivate chymotrypsin, decreasing this particular enzyme's And so, in our next video, we'll be able to get some practice applying these concepts. So, I'll see you guys there.