In this video, we're going to talk about our 3rd group of amino acids, the polar amino acids. So the polar amino acids all contain R groups that are hydrophilic. And recall what we mean by hydrophilic is just water-loving, and that's due to the presence of terminal electronegative atoms or electronegative atoms that are found at the very ends of the R groups and are easily able to interact with water, making them hydrophilic. Now, polar amino acids also contain hydrogen bonding groups, so the R groups of polar amino acids are capable of forming hydrogen bonds, and there are 5 amino acids that are grouped as polar amino acids, and those 5 amino acids are serine, threonine, cysteine, asparagine, and glutamine.
And so down below, we have a mnemonic to help us remember those 5 polar amino acids. So when you're thinking about the polar amino acids, you really want to be thinking about the North Pole. And who's in the North Pole? Santa, of course. And so every winter when it gets cold, Santa and his team, they craft new quilts in order to stay warm. And literally, that's our mnemonic. "Santa's team crafts new quilts," where the first letter of each of these words symbolizes the one letter code for the corresponding polar amino acids.
And so, down below, we're actually going to talk about each of these individual R groups on these amino acids in the blocks. And so in the block on the far left over here, what we have is serine. And serine's three-letter code is just SER, and its one-letter code is just an S. And so you can see how the S for serine here in our mnemonic is being represented as Santa. Now, in our next block, what we have is threonine, and threonine's three-letter code is just THR, and its one-letter code is just a T. And so you can see how the T here for threonine is being represented by the team in our mnemonic.
Now, one way to help us remember part of both serine and threonine structure is to remember that alcohol is a serious threat. And so the SER in 'serious' is for serine and the THR in 'threat' is for threonine. And so by remembering that alcohol is a serious threat, that can remind us that serine and threonine both have alcohols in their R groups, and alcohols are literally just OH groups or hydroxyl groups. And so looking up above at our image, we know that Santa here is representing serine, and notice that Santa has a little beer in his hand. He has a little bit of alcohol in his hand.
Cysteine's three-letter code is just CYS, and its one-letter code is just a C. And you can see that the C here for cysteine is being represented by the crafting hammer here. And so this crafting hammer likes to spend quiet time in the Sistine Chapel. And whenever somebody makes a noise, the Sistine is always just like "shh." And so literally, cysteine is just our leader amino acid, alanine, with an SH group, an SH group.
Asparagine's three-letter code is just ASN, and its one-letter code is just an N. And we can see that the N here for asparagine is being represented by "new" in our mnemonic. Turns out that asparagine is literally just alanine, our leader amino acid, with an amide group. And recall that an amide group is literally just when you have a carbonyl group with a nitrogen coming off of it.
Now moving on to our last amino acid in this group, we have glutamine, and glutamine's th...