Veins definitions Flashcards
Veins definitions
Terms in this set (15)
- Tunica IntimaThe innermost layer of a blood vessel, consisting of endothelial cells.
- Tunica MediaThe middle layer of a blood vessel, composed mainly of smooth muscle.
- Tunica ExternaThe outermost layer of a blood vessel, primarily made of connective tissue.
- LumenThe central cavity of a blood vessel through which blood flows.
- Venous ValvesStructures in veins that prevent the backflow of blood, ensuring unidirectional flow.
- VasoconstrictionThe narrowing of blood vessels due to contraction of the muscular wall.
- VasodilationThe widening of blood vessels due to relaxation of the muscular wall.
- VenulesSmall veins that collect blood from capillaries and converge to form larger veins.
- Capillary BedsNetworks of capillaries where the exchange of substances between blood and tissues occurs.
- Elastic LaminaLayers of elastic tissue in arteries, providing elasticity to withstand high pressure.
- Deoxygenated BloodBlood with low oxygen content and higher carbon dioxide levels, typically found in veins.
- Oxygenated BloodBlood rich in oxygen, typically found in arteries.
- Pulmonary VeinThe vein that carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart.
- Pulmonary ArteryThe artery that carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs.
- Smooth MuscleMuscle tissue in the walls of blood vessels, responsible for vasoconstriction and vasodilation.