The Stomach definitions Flashcards
The Stomach definitions
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Terms in this set (15)
- CardiaUpper portion of the stomach near the esophagus, where the bolus enters through the cardiac sphincter.
- FundusBulging upper part of the stomach, located above where the esophagus joins.
- BodyMain J-shaped region of the stomach, also known as the corpus.
- Pyloric PartFinal region of the stomach, acting as a gatekeeper to the small intestine.
- RugaeInner folds in an empty stomach that allow it to expand significantly.
- Lesser CurvatureSmaller, sharper curve on the inside of the stomach.
- Greater CurvatureLarger curve on the outside of the stomach.
- MucosaInnermost layer of the stomach wall, containing gastric pits and glands.
- SubmucosaConnective tissue layer of the stomach wall with arteries, veins, and lymph vessels.
- Muscularis ExternaMuscular layer of the stomach with three layers: oblique, circular, and longitudinal.
- SerosaOuter layer of the stomach wall, continuous with the peritoneum.
- Gastric PitsOpenings in the mucosa leading to gastric glands.
- Parietal CellsCells in gastric glands that produce hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor.
- Chief CellsCells in gastric glands that produce pepsinogen and lipase.
- Enteroendocrine CellsCells that release hormones and paracrine molecules in the stomach.