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Muscle Naming definitions Flashcards

Muscle Naming definitions
  • Biceps Brachii

    A muscle in the arm with two heads, located in the brachial region.
  • Biceps Femoris

    A muscle in the thigh, part of the hamstring group, with two heads.
  • Trapezius

    A back muscle shaped like a trapezoid.
  • Deltoid

    A shoulder muscle shaped like the Greek letter delta, resembling a triangle.
  • Maximus

    A term indicating the largest muscle in a group.
  • Minimus

    A term indicating the smallest muscle in a group.
  • Longus

    A term indicating a long muscle.
  • Brevis

    A term indicating a short muscle.
  • Adductor Longus

    A thigh muscle responsible for adduction, bringing the leg closer to the body's midline.
  • Rectus Abdominis

    An abdominal muscle with straight fibers running vertically.
  • Sternocleidomastoid

    A neck muscle originating from the sternum and clavicle, inserting at the mastoid process.
  • Gluteus Maximus

    The largest muscle in the buttock region.
  • Rhomboid Major

    A back muscle shaped like a rhombus, larger than the rhomboid minor.
  • Extensor Digitorum

    A forearm muscle that extends the fingers.
  • Obliques

    Abdominal muscles with fibers running at an angle.