Lymphatic Vasculature definitions Flashcards
Lymphatic Vasculature definitions
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Terms in this set (15)
- Lymphatic CapillariesSmallest and most numerous vessels, absorb interstitial fluid and proteins, initiating lymph formation.
- Lymphatic VesselsLarger than capillaries, contain valves to prevent backflow, transport lymph towards trunks and ducts.
- Lymphatic TrunksCollect lymph from vessels, named for body regions they drain, merge to form lymphatic ducts.
- Lymphatic DuctsLargest lymphatic vessels, empty lymph into veins near the heart, include right and thoracic ducts.
- ValvesStructures in lymphatic vessels preventing backflow, ensuring one-way lymph movement.
- Lymph NodesBean-shaped structures in lymphatic vasculature, play a role in immune response by filtering lymph.
- Skeletal Muscle ContractionsVoluntary muscle movements compress lymphatic vessels, aiding lymph propulsion.
- Smooth Muscle ContractionsInvoluntary muscle contractions in vessel walls, help propel lymph through larger vessels.
- Arterial PulsationsRhythmic artery movements compress nearby lymphatic vessels, aiding lymph flow.
- Respiratory MovementsBreathing changes abdominal pressure, aiding lymph propulsion through vessels.
- Interstitial FluidFluid absorbed by lymphatic capillaries, forming lymph.
- Cisterna ChyliSac in the abdomen storing lymph, origin of the thoracic duct.
- Endothelial CellsCells forming lymphatic capillary walls, create one-way flaps for fluid entry.
- Anchoring ProteinsStructures maintaining lymphatic capillary position during valve operation.
- Fluid BalanceLymphatic system function, returning leaked fluids to cardiovascular system.