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Levers definitions Flashcards

Levers definitions
  • Lever

    A rigid rod in the body, typically a bone, used to move a load with applied force.
  • Fulcrum

    The pivot point of a lever, often a joint in the human body.
  • Effort

    The force applied to a lever, usually at the muscle insertion point.
  • Load

    The weight or resistance that is moved by a lever.
  • First Class Lever

    A lever with the fulcrum between the effort and the load, like the head's movement.
  • Second Class Lever

    A lever with the load between the effort and the fulcrum, providing mechanical advantage.
  • Third Class Lever

    A lever with the effort between the fulcrum and the load, allowing greater speed and range.
  • Mechanical Advantage

    A condition where less effort is needed to move a load due to lever structure.
  • Mechanical Disadvantage

    A condition requiring more effort to move a load, but allows greater speed and range.
  • Splenius Capitis

    A muscle that helps move the head using a first class lever system.
  • Biceps Brachii

    A muscle in the arm that operates as a third class lever, requiring more effort.
  • Calf Muscle

    A muscle that acts as a second class lever, providing mechanical advantage.
  • Range of Motion

    The extent of movement possible in a joint or lever system.
  • Pivot Point

    Another term for fulcrum, the point around which a lever rotates.
  • Insertion

    The point where a muscle attaches to a bone, applying force in a lever system.