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Feedback Loops definitions Flashcards

Feedback Loops definitions
  • Homeostasis

    The body's ability to maintain a stable internal environment despite changes in external conditions.
  • Feedback Loop

    A biological process where a change in the internal environment triggers a response that affects the original change.
  • Negative Feedback

    A type of feedback loop that counteracts the initial change, moving the system towards a set point to maintain stability.
  • Positive Feedback

    A type of feedback loop that amplifies the initial change, moving the system further away from the set point.
  • Set Point

    The target value or range that a physiological parameter is regulated to maintain within the body.
  • Stimulus

    A change in the internal or external environment that triggers a feedback response.
  • Response

    The action or change in behavior that occurs as a result of a stimulus in a feedback loop.
  • Dynamic Process

    A process characterized by constant change, activity, or progress, such as maintaining homeostasis.
  • Self-Regulating

    A system that can adjust itself to maintain stability without external intervention.
  • Off Switch

    A mechanism that stops a positive feedback loop to prevent runaway effects.
  • Physiological Processes

    The functions and activities that occur within living organisms to maintain life.
  • Internal Environment

    The conditions within the body that are regulated to maintain homeostasis.
  • Balancing

    The act of maintaining stability, often used as an analogy for negative feedback in homeostasis.
  • Runaway Effects

    Uncontrolled and potentially harmful outcomes resulting from unchecked positive feedback loops.
  • Misconception

    A commonly held but incorrect belief or idea, such as misunderstanding the terms 'negative' and 'positive' in feedback loops.