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Fatty Acid Oxidation definitions Flashcards

Fatty Acid Oxidation definitions
  • Beta Oxidation

    A metabolic process in the mitochondrial matrix that breaks down fatty acids into Acetyl CoA, generating ATP.
  • Acetyl CoA

    A molecule that enters the citric acid cycle, produced from fatty acids during beta oxidation.
  • Fatty Acyl CoA

    An activated form of fatty acids, necessary for transport into mitochondria for beta oxidation.
  • Carnitine Shuttle

    A transport mechanism that moves fatty acyl CoA into the mitochondrial matrix for beta oxidation.
  • Oxidation

    The first step in beta oxidation, converting an -ane to an -ene, reducing FAD to FADH2.
  • Hydration

    The second step in beta oxidation, adding water to form an alcohol from an -ene.
  • Thiolysis

    The final step in beta oxidation, cleaving Acetyl CoA from fatty acyl CoA.
  • Isomerization

    A process required for unsaturated fatty acids to rearrange double bonds for beta oxidation.
  • Propanoyl CoA

    A three-carbon molecule from odd-chain fatty acids, converted to succinyl CoA for the citric acid cycle.
  • Succinyl CoA

    A citric acid cycle intermediate, derived from propanoyl CoA in odd-chain fatty acid oxidation.
  • FADH2

    An electron carrier produced during beta oxidation, contributing to ATP generation.
  • NADH

    An electron carrier generated in beta oxidation, used in the electron transport chain for ATP production.
  • Enoyl CoA Hydratase

    An enzyme that hydrates an -ene to form an alcohol during beta oxidation.
  • Beta Hydroxy Acyl CoA Dehydrogenase

    An enzyme that oxidizes an alcohol to a carbonyl, producing NADH in beta oxidation.
  • Thiolase

    An enzyme that cleaves Acetyl CoA from fatty acyl CoA in the final step of beta oxidation.