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Embryonic Development (Weeks 3-8) definitions Flashcards

Embryonic Development (Weeks 3-8) definitions
  • Gastrulation

    Transformation of the bilaminar embryonic disc into a trilaminar disc with three germ layers.
  • Endoderm

    Inner germ layer forming the epithelial lining of the digestive, respiratory, and urogenital systems.
  • Mesoderm

    Middle germ layer forming structures like the notochord, somites, and cardiovascular system.
  • Ectoderm

    Outer germ layer developing into the nervous system, sense organs, and epidermis.
  • Primitive streak

    A groove on the embryonic disc facilitating the formation of the three germ layers.
  • Organogenesis

    Process where germ layers differentiate into organs and systems, recognizable by week 8.
  • Notochord

    Structure formed by mesodermal cells, organizing the embryo along a central axis.
  • Somites

    Paired structures from mesoderm developing into the skeleton, dermis, and skeletal muscle.
  • Neurulation

    First major event of ectoderm specialization forming the nervous system.
  • Neural plate

    Thickened ectoderm portion that folds to form the neural tube.
  • Neural tube

    Structure formed from the neural plate, developing into the central nervous system.
  • Neural crest cells

    Cells forming between ectoderm and neural tube, creating peripheral nervous system structures.
  • Yolk sac

    Structure attached to the endoderm, evolving throughout development.
  • Alantois

    Structure developing into a portion of the urinary bladder.
  • Epidermis

    Outer skin layer formed by the ectoderm, covering the body.