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Characteristics of Epithelial Tissue definitions Flashcards

Characteristics of Epithelial Tissue definitions
  • Polarity

    Distinct apical and basal surfaces in epithelial tissue, each with unique structures and functions.
  • Apical Surface

    The surface of epithelial tissue facing open space, often containing cilia or microvilli.
  • Basal Surface

    The surface of epithelial tissue facing the basement membrane, anchoring the tissue.
  • Basement Membrane

    Extracellular structure separating epithelial and connective tissues, composed of basal and reticular lamina.
  • Tight Junctions

    Cell junctions creating a leak-proof barrier by holding epithelial cells tightly together.
  • Desmosomes

    Complex cell junctions anchoring neighboring epithelial cells firmly together.
  • Gap Junctions

    Cell junctions allowing exchange of nutrients between neighboring epithelial cells.
  • Avascular

    Characteristic of epithelial tissue indicating absence of blood vessels.
  • Innervated

    Presence of nerves in epithelial tissue, enabling sensation detection.
  • Connective Tissue

    Tissue supporting epithelial tissue by supplying nutrients and removing waste.
  • Basal Lamina

    Layer of the basement membrane produced by epithelial tissue.
  • Reticular Lamina

    Layer of the basement membrane produced by underlying connective tissue.
  • Highly Regenerative

    Epithelial tissue's ability to rapidly divide and replace damaged cells.
  • Cancer

    Disease often originating in epithelial tissue due to rapid cell division and mutation.
  • Extracellular Matrix

    Minimal space between tightly packed epithelial cells, analogous to cement in a brick wall.