Anatomical Terms for the Back definitions Flashcards
Anatomical Terms for the Back definitions
Terms in this set (12)
- ScapularRegion of the shoulder blade, derived from Latin meaning spade or shovel.
- ScapulaBone of the shoulder blade, possibly named for its resemblance to a shovel.
- VertebralPertains to the spine, composed of bones called vertebrae.
- LumbarRefers to the lower back, crucial for support in seating.
- GlutealRelates to the buttocks, with the gluteus maximus as the major muscle.
- MetacarpalBones of the hand, located beyond the wrist in anatomical terms.
- PerinealSmall area between the anus and genitals, with 'peri' indicating near.
- OlecranonBack of the elbow, named from Greek words for elbow and head.
- SacralAssociated with the bottom of the spine where it meets the pelvis.
- VertebraeBones that make up the spine, forming the vertebral region.
- Gluteus MaximusMajor muscle in the buttocks, part of the gluteal region.
- SacrumBone at the bottom of the spine, considered sacred in historical contexts.