Affinity Maturation definitions Flashcards
Affinity Maturation definitions
Terms in this set (15)
- Affinity MaturationA natural selection process among B cells enhancing antibody effectiveness over time.
- B CellsImmune cells that produce antibodies and undergo affinity maturation to improve antigen binding.
- Plasma CellsDifferentiated B cells that secrete antibodies and participate in affinity maturation.
- Antibody Class SwitchingA process allowing B cells to change the class of antibody they produce for improved effectiveness.
- Variable RegionPart of the BCR or antibody gene that controls the antigen binding site and undergoes mutations.
- B Cell Receptors (BCRs)Molecules on B cells that bind antigens and undergo mutations during affinity maturation.
- AntigenA substance that triggers an immune response, targeted by antibodies and BCRs.
- MutationsGenetic changes in BCRs that can enhance or reduce antibody binding to antigens.
- Natural SelectionA process where B cells with beneficial mutations proliferate, enhancing antibody effectiveness.
- ProliferationThe rapid multiplication of B cells with effective antigen binding during affinity maturation.
- ClonesIdentical B cells produced during proliferation, improving antigen binding over time.
- AntibodyA protein produced by B cells that binds to specific antigens to neutralize them.
- Immune SystemThe body's defense mechanism that uses processes like affinity maturation to fight infections.
- InfectionThe invasion of the body by harmful organisms, prompting an immune response.
- Antigen Binding SiteThe part of the antibody or BCR that directly interacts with the antigen.