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Adaptation of Sensory Receptors definitions Flashcards

Adaptation of Sensory Receptors definitions
  • Adaptation

    Reduction in receptor sensitivity to a constant stimulus, conserving energy and maintaining neural health.
  • Phasic Receptors

    Fast adapting receptors that respond quickly to changes but reduce firing when the stimulus is constant.
  • Tonic Receptors

    Slow adapting receptors that provide a sustained response even when the stimulus is constant.
  • Peripheral Nervous System

    Part of the nervous system containing phasic and tonic receptors, responsible for sensory adaptation.
  • Thermoreceptors

    Receptors that detect temperature changes, exhibiting both phasic and tonic properties.
  • Nociceptors

    Pain receptors that provide a sustained response, crucial for awareness and behavioral adjustment.
  • Proprioceptors

    Receptors providing information about body position and movement, essential for spatial navigation.
  • Mechanoreceptors

    Receptors responding to pressure and vibration, exhibiting both phasic and tonic properties.
  • Neural Health

    State of the nervous system maintained by adaptation, preventing constant neuron firing.
  • Stimulus

    An external factor that receptors respond to, which can be constant or changing.