15. The Special Senses
Inner Layer of the Eyeball
15. The Special Senses
Inner Layer of the Eyeball
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- Multiple Choice
True or False: if false, choose the answer that corrects the statement.
Waves of light must pass through both the ganglion and pigmented cells before reaching the photoreceptors.
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Once light is absorbed, what is the path of the nervous signal?
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Which part of the neural layer continues into and becomes the optic nerve?
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Which of the following statements is true for cones.
408views6rank - Textbook QuestionWhich sequence best describes a normal route for the flow of tears from the eyes into the nasal cavity? a. lacrimal canaliculi, lacrimal sacs, nasolacrimal ducts; lb. acrimal ducts, lacrimal canaliculi, nasolacrimal ducts; c. nasolacrimal ducts, lacrimal canaliculi, lacrimal sacs.358views
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