Multiple ChoiceThe pectoral girdle does NOT quite satisfy the features of a true girdle because __________.1057views3rank
Textbook QuestionIn the following photographs of the scapula, identify the three views (a–c) and the indicated bone markings (d–g). a. ___ b. ___ c. ___ d. ___ e. ___ f. ___ g.___269views1rank
Textbook QuestionWhich of the following is primarily responsible for stabilizing, positioning, and bracing the pectoral girdles? (a) tendons, (b) ligaments, (c) the joint shape, (d) muscles, (e) the shape of the bones within the joint.206views1rank
Textbook QuestionWhy would a self-defense instructor advise a student to strike an attacker’s clavicle?270views1rank
Textbook QuestionWhile fireman Fred is fighting a fire in a building, part of the ceiling collapses, and a beam strikes him on his left shoulder. He is rescued, but has a great deal of pain in his shoulder. He cannot move his arm properly, especially in the anterior direction. His clavicle is not broken, and his humerus is intact. What is the probable nature of Fred’s injury?250views1rank
Textbook QuestionAt work, a box fell from a shelf onto Ella's acromial region. In the emergency room, the physician felt that the head of her humerus had moved into the axilla. What had happened to Ella?166views1rank
Textbook QuestionIn anatomical position, the ulna lies (a) medial to the radius, (b) lateral to the radius, (c) inferior to the radius, (d) superior to the radius.152views1rank