13. The Peripheral Nervous System
Sensory Receptor Classification by Location
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- Multiple Choice
We can touch our finger to our nose while our eyes are closed, as we can sense the movement and position of our joints and body parts without seeing them. Which type of receptor allows us to do this?
913views10rank - Multiple Choice
One day, Kaya feels a sharp pain in her stomach area. How would you classify the sensory receptor that is responsible for detecting the issue and causing Kaya to feel this pain?
583views13rank - Textbook Question
Match the following nerves with the structures they innervate.
____Phrenic nerve
____Median nerve
____Femoral nerve
____Tibial nerve
____Radial nerve
____Intercostal nerves
____Common fibular nerve
____Musculocutaneous nerve
a. Motor to the triceps brachii muscle and muscles in the forearm that extend the hand; sensory from the posterior hand
b. Motor to the muscles in the anterior arm that flex the forearm; sensory from skin over the lateral forearm
c. Motor to the muscles in the anterior and lateral leg that evert and dorsiflex the foot; sensory from the skin of the anteroinferior leg
d. Motor to the diaphragm muscle
e. Motor to the muscles in the anterior thigh extend the knee; sensory from the skin over the anterior thigh and leg
f. Motor to the hamstring muscles that extend the thigh and flex the leg, muscles of the leg that plantarflex the foot, and muscles of the foot; sensory from the skin over the posterior and lateral leg and foot
g. Motor to the muscles between the ribs and the abdominal muscles; sensory from the skin over the abdomen
h. Motor to the muscles in the forearm that flex the hand, certain intrinsic hand muscles; sensory from the skin of the anterior hand
307views - Textbook QuestionProprioceptors include all of the following except a. muscle spindles, b. tendon organs, c. epithelial tactile complexes, d. joint kinesthetic receptors.680views
- Textbook QuestionExplain the phenomenon of referred pain in terms of labeled lines and organization of sensory tracts and pathways.274views