23. The Digestive System
Small Intestine
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- Multiple ChoiceThe __________ is the first segment of the small intestine.961views2rank
- Multiple Choice
Where are bile salts reabsorbed in the small intestine?
260views1rank - Multiple Choice
Lactose, a sugar found in milk, can only be digested by lactase, a brush border enzyme. All babies produce lactase, but only some adults do. Adults who do not produce lactase are referred to as lactose intolerant, as the presence of undigestible lactose can lead to uncomfortable digestive side effects such as gas and diarrhea. Based on your understanding of the small intestine, where would you expect to find the most lactase in babies and those adults that can digest lactose?
197views3rank - Textbook Question
How does absorption of lipids differ from absorption of carbohydrates and proteins in the small intestine?
a. Lipids are absorbed into a capillary; carbohydrates and proteins are absorbed into a lacteal.
b. Lipids are not absorbed in the small intestine.
c. Lipids are absorbed into a lacteal; carbohydrates and proteins are absorbed into a capillary.
d. They are all absorbed into the same structure.
340views - Multiple Choice
Celiac disease is a condition where the body has an abnormal immune response to the protein gluten found in wheat and other grains. A result of this, the body’s immune response can cause damage to the villi. Based on your knowledge of the small intestine, what function would this this most directly affect?
200views3rank - Textbook Question
Mark the following statements as true or false. If a statement is false, correct it to make a true statement.
e. During eating, the small intestine exhibits motion in the migrating motor complex pattern.
383views - Textbook Question
What are the three folds of the small intestine called? What is their purpose?
334views - ActivityAlimentary canal and related accessory digestive organs885views9rank
- Textbook Question
Which of the following is/are absorbed in the small intestine by the Na+/glucose cotransporter?
a. Glucose
b. Galactose
c. Fructose
d. Both a and b are correct.
e. All of the above are correct.