Multiple ChoiceWhich of the following chemical formulas represents that of a simple carbohydrate?3627views53rank
Multiple ChoiceMonosaccharides are linked together via a ______________ reaction, forming a _____________bond.3927views35rank
Multiple ChoiceWhich of the following chemical reactions results in energy release when glycosidic bonds are broken?3571views39rank
Multiple ChoiceAnimal cells store energy in the form of _________, and plant cells store energy in the form of ___________.4355views32rank
Multiple ChoiceWhich polysaccharide is an important component in the structure of lobsters and insects?3544views48rank
Multiple ChoiceGenerally, animals cannot digest (hydrolyze) the glycosidic linkages between the glucose molecules in cellulose. How then do cows get enough nutrients from eating grass? 2590views
Multiple ChoiceIn what polysaccharide form do plants store glucose to be available later as an energy source? 1648views
Multiple ChoiceAt a conference, the speaker's grand finale was sautéing mealworms (insect larvae) in butter and serving them to the audience. They were crunchy (like popcorn hulls) because their exoskeletons contain the polysaccharide __________. 1228views
Multiple ChoiceThe polysaccharide that you are most likely to have eaten recently is __________. 1125views
Multiple ChoiceOne characteristic shared by sucrose, lactose, and maltose is that __________. 1633views
Multiple ChoiceA polysaccharide that is used for storing energy in human muscle and liver cells is __________. 1636views1rank
Multiple ChoiceAmylase is an enzyme that breaks down starch. Why can the same enzyme not break down cellulose? 7193views4rank
Multiple ChoiceThe subunits (monomers) in cellulose are linked together by __________. 1422views1rank
Multiple ChoiceWhich of the following components of a tossed salad will pass through the human digestive tract and be digested the least? 1426views
Textbook QuestionWhich of the following categories includes all others in the list? a. disaccharide b. polysaccharide c. starch d. carbohydrate1630views
Textbook QuestionThe enzyme amylase can break glycosidic linkages between glucose monomers only if the monomers are in the α form. Which of the following could amylase break down? a. glycogen, starch, and amylopectin b. glycogen and cellulose c. cellulose and chitin d. starch, chitin, and cellulose3253views
Textbook QuestionA glucose molecule is to starch as (Explain your answer.) a. a steroid is to a lipid. b. a protein is to an amino acid. c. a nucleic acid is to a polypeptide. d. a nucleotide is to a nucleic acid.1948views
Textbook QuestionWhat type of bond is formed between two sugars in a disaccharide? a. glycosidic linkage b. phosphodiester bond c. peptide bond d. hydrogen bond1224views
Textbook QuestionWhat holds cellulose molecules together in bundles large enough to form fibers? a. the cell wall b. peptide bonds c. hydrogen bonds d. hydrophobic interactions997views
Textbook QuestionCows can derive nutrients from cellulose because a. they produce enzymes that recognize the shape of the glucose-glucose bonds and hydrolyze them. b. they re-chew their cud to break down cellulose fibers. c. their digestive tract contains microorganisms that can hydrolyze the bonds of cellulose. d. they convert cellulose to starch and can digest starch.1694views
Textbook QuestionWhat are the primary functions of carbohydrates in cells? a. cell identity, energy storage, raw material source for synthesis, and structure b. catalysis, energy storage, metabolism, and structure c. catalysis, digestion, energy storage, and information storage d. energy storage, information storage, polymerization, and raw material source for synthesis1816views
Textbook QuestionWhich of the differences listed here could be found among molecules of the same monosaccharide? Select True or False for each statement. T/F There is a difference in the orientation of a hydroxyl group in the ring form. T/F There is a difference in the number of carbons. T/F There is a difference in the position of the carbonyl group in the linear form. T/F There is a difference in the overall shape of the molecule—one is a ring and the other is linear.935views
Textbook QuestionVISUAL SKILLS Choose the term that correctly describes the relationship between these two sugar molecules: a. structural isomers b. cis-trans isomers c. enantiomers d. isotopes843views
Textbook QuestionAlthough cellulose and starch are identical in terms of stored chemical energy, our ability to harvest the energy from these two polysaccharides differs considerably. What is responsible for this difference?1311views
Textbook QuestionContrast the structure of glycogen and chitin in terms of their monosaccharides, glycosidic linkages, and interactions between polysaccharide chains.1311views
Textbook QuestionLysozyme, an enzyme found in human saliva, tears, and other secretions, catalyzes the hydrolysis of the ββ-1,4-glycosidic linkages in peptidoglycan. Predict the effect of this enzyme on bacteria and how it may be involved in human health.1535views
Textbook QuestionGalactosemia is a potentially fatal disease that occurs in humans who lack the enzyme that converts galactose to glucose. If you were a physician treating a person with this disease, which of the following would you have them exclude from their diet? a. maltose b. starch c. mannose d. lactose1216views
Textbook QuestionIf you hold a salty cracker in your mouth long enough, it will begin to taste sweet. What is responsible for this change in taste?998views
Textbook QuestionSucrose is broken down in your intestine to the monosaccharides glucose and fructose, which are then absorbed into your blood. What is the name of this type of reaction? Using this diagram of sucrose, show how this would occur. 2745views
Textbook QuestionMark the following statements as true or false. If a statement is false, correct it to make a true statement.a. Carbohydrates are the main source of fuel for the human body.416views
Textbook QuestionMark the following statements as true or false. If a statement is false, correct it to make a true statement.b. The main storage form of glucose in the human body is starch.443views
Textbook QuestionThe polysaccharide cellulose is not digestible by humans, as we lack the enzyme cellulase, which is required to break it down. Certain dietary supplements contain the enzyme cellulase and claim that being able to break down cellulose will help a person lose weight. But what do you think would happen if we could digest the cellulose we ate?351views