This example wants to know what type of bone, spongy or compact, would you likely find on the inside lining of the cranial cavity closest to the brain? To help us think about this, we have a picture of a skull and a mid sagittal section of the skull, so we can see inside the cranial cavity. I'm just going to draw little arrows pointing to the part of the skull that we're interested in, the part of these flat bones that make up the cranial cavity, that inside lining there. Now remember, flat bones are the sandwich of compact bone, spongy bone, compact bone, where spongy bone is in the middle and spongy bone is that bone that's filled with all sorts of holes and compact bone is this dense, fairly solid bone that makes up the sides. So the inside lining, well, that's still the outside of the bone. And so that is still going to be compact bone.
All right. With that, like always, we have practice problems to follow. I'll see you there.