In this video, we're going to distinguish between 2 different types of solutions, homogeneous solutions versus heterogeneous solutions. Now, homogeneous solutions have this prefix homo in it, which we know means the same. And so homogeneous solutions are going to be uniformly mixed solutions where all parts are the same or evenly distributed. And so heterogeneous solutions, on the other hand, have the prefix hetero, which means different. And so heterogeneous solutions are going to be mixed solutions where parts are unequally distributed or unevenly distributed.
And so when we take a look at our image down below, we can better distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous solutions. So on the left-hand side over here, notice that we have 2 different solutes dissolved in this beaker. We have the blue solutes and then we have the red solutes that we see throughout. And so, notice that the blue and the red solutes are pretty evenly distributed throughout the beaker, and so this is therefore going to be referred to as a homogeneous solution. Whereas over here on the right-hand side, notice that we also have the same blue solutes and red solutes.
However, notice that they are not equally distributed throughout the beaker. They are unequally distributed. Notice that the red ones are towards the top half of the beaker, whereas the blue ones are towards the bottom half of the beaker. So that is an unequal distribution throughout the beaker. And so this makes this a heterogeneous solution.
Once again, hetero meaning different and homo meaning the same, so evenly distributed versus hetero being different and being unevenly distributed. So really this here concludes our lesson on the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous solutions, and we'll be able to get a bit of practice moving forward in our course. So I'll see you all in our next video.