In this video, we're going to continue to talk about connective tissue proper as we begin our lesson on loose connective tissue. And so loose connective tissue, as its name implies, is going to be a connective tissue named for its loose arrangement of protein fibers found in the extracellular matrix. Now, loose connective tissues are often going to be vascular, which means that often loose connective tissues are going to have blood vessels in them. Now, loose connective tissue is commonly known as the packing material of the human body. And this is because loose connective tissues are found all throughout the body in various locations, including in the spaces in between organs as well as underneath the epithelia throughout pretty much the entire body, and it can form the internal structural framework inside of some organs.
Now, really there are 3 different types of loose connective tissue. And so those 3 different types of loose connective tissue are areolar connective tissue, reticular connective tissue, and adipose connective tissue. And so moving forward in our course in different videos, we're going to talk a lot more about details concerning each of these 3 different types of loose connective tissue. Now, it is worth noting that these three types of loose connective tissue actually differ from each other in terms of their protein fiber arrangement in their extracellular matrix, in terms of the amount and the types, and they also differ from each other in terms of the cell types. And we'll be able to talk more about that as we move forward talking about each of these 3 types in their own separate videos.
And so notice down below, what we have is the map of our lesson, which we've seen before in some of our previous lesson videos. And so again, we know that connective tissue can be grouped into 2 major classes, connective tissue proper or general or fibrous connective tissue, and specialized connective tissue. Now, we'll talk about the specialized connective tissues later in our course in different videos. Right now, we're focused on connective tissue proper, more specifically, on loose connective tissues. And, of course, we've introduced here that there are 3 different types of loose connective tissues, including areolar connective tissue, reticular connective tissue, and adipose connective tissue.
And so once again, we'll talk about each of those 3 different types of loose connective tissues moving forward in our course, but for now, this here concludes our brief introduction to loose connective tissues, and so I'll see you all in our next video to talk more details about areolar connective tissue.