So here we have an example problem that asks, how does the structure of fibrocartilage benefit its function in intervertebral discs? And we've got these 4 potential answer options down below. So, option a says that large amounts of collagen bundles resist compression but allow flexibility. Now, this option seems reasonable, but let's skip it for now and check the other options.
So option b says, large amounts of elastic fibers resist compression but allow flexibility. Now recall from our previous lesson videos that fibrocartilage has an extracellular matrix made of really dense and thick bundles of collagen fibers. Elastic fibers are not predominant in large amounts in the extracellular matrix. Elastic fibers are more important for elasticity and they don't really allow for the resistance of compression forces like collagen fibers do. For those reasons, we can eliminate answer option b.
Now option c says adipocytes provide shock absorption. Recall that adipocytes are fat cells that store fats or triglycerides as these relatively large lipid droplets within the adipocytes. Adipocytes are mainly found in loose connective tissues such as adipose connective tissue and areolar connective tissue. But these adipocytes are not going to be found in fibrocartilage. So, for that reason, we can eliminate answer option c. Although fibrocartilage does have chondroblasts and chondrocytes, do recall that they also have some fibroblasts. But again, they don't have any adipocytes or fat cells.
Now, option d says, chondrocytes provide shock absorption. This is an interesting answer option, but it's important to note that it's not the cells that provide shock absorption; the chondrocytes are the cells. It's mainly going to be the extracellular matrix that's produced by the cells that provides the shock absorption in the tissue. So, option d can be eliminated for that reason. Of course, this means option a is the correct answer. Fibrocartilage is going to have large amounts of collagen bundles in its extracellular matrix, which allows it to resist compression forces, but also allows it to have a little bit of flexibility since collagen fibers have a little bit of flexibility as well.
And so, option A here is the correct answer to this problem. And again, those intervertebral discs are in between the vertebrae or the bones within the spine.
This here concludes this example, and I'll see you all in our next video.