So now we're going to try and use those anatomical terms that we just learned to identify 4 new body structures. So let's jump right in. First off, we have the digital nerves. Give yourself a second to try and figure out what those might be. Alright.
Digital nerves. The keyword, of course, is digital. Digits are numbers. You count numbers on your fingers, so fingers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. So your digital region is your fingers.
Next, we have the acromial artery. Give yourself a second to try and figure out that one. Alright. Acromial artery, a blood vessel. Obviously, the keyword is acromial.
We said acromial comes from a Greek word that means the top of something. It's the top of your arm, your shoulder. So the acromial artery is going to be in your shoulder. Next, we have the axillary vein. Give yourself a second to try and figure out that one.
Alright, we said the axillary region I like to say when I swing an ax, you can see my axillary region, so my axillary vein is in my armpit. Axillary means armpit. And now finally, we have the lateral antebrachial nerve. Give yourself a second for that one. Alright.
Lateral antebrachial nerve. So lateral meant away from the midline, so it's going to be towards the outside of your body. What part of your body? The antebrachial region. So I remember I break my arm.
My arm is my brachial region. Anti means before, so it's my forearm. So the lateral antebrachial nerve is probably running down the outside of my forearm. So with that, we have learned 4 new body structures based on anatomical terms alone, and I'll see you in the next video.