In this video, we're going to introduce our map of the lesson on membrane transport, which is down below right here. Notice at the very top of this map, we have the words "membrane transport." Transport and membrane transport can really be grouped into two large categories, which is why we have two branches coming off of "membrane transport": one for molecular transport and one for bulk transport. Molecular transport is for the transportation of very small molecules, whereas bulk transport is for the transport of very large molecules.
Now, because this image here is a map of the lesson, that means that we can use this image like a map to make predictions about what topics we're going to cover next. We're going to be exploring this map by following the leftmost branches first. We're going to start off our lesson by talking about molecular transport, focusing on passive transport, then talking about osmosis, simple diffusion, and facilitated diffusion, including carriers and transporters, and pores and channels. Once we've explored the leftmost branches to their end, we'll zoom back out and focus more on the other branches. We'll talk about active transport, distinguishing primary from secondary active transport.
Then, once we've explored these leftmost branches, we'll zoom back out and start to explore bulk transport or the transport of very large molecules, which includes endocytosis like phagocytosis (cell eating), pinocytosis (cell drinking), and receptor-mediated endocytosis. Once we've explored these, we'll end the lesson by talking about exocytosis. This is how the map can be utilized. Moving forward throughout our course, you should be referring back to this map so that you can make predictions about what topics we're covering next and also where we are within the map. This here concludes our introduction to the map of a lesson on membrane transport, and we'll be able to get started with our lesson by talking about molecular transport.
Essentially talking about passive transport and distinguishing it from active transport. So, I'll see you guys in our next video.