So, here we have an example problem that says, how would you classify a joint that uses cartilage to join bones together and is slightly movable? And we've got these 4 potential answer options down below. Now, of course, a joint that uses cartilage to join bones together must be a cartilaginous joint. And so that means that we can eliminate answer option A, which says fibrous joint, and answer option C, which also says fibrous joint. And now we're limited to either option B, cartilaginous synarthrosis, or option D, cartilaginous amphiarthrosis.
And so, recall that a slightly movable joint is going to have a little movement. And so, that also reminds us that it's going to have an average amount of movement, if you will. And so, the A in "a little" or the A in "average" can remind us of the A in amphiarthrosis. And so, of course, this slightly movable part tells us that this must be an amphiarthrosis. And so, notice option D says cartilaginous amphiarthrosis, which is the correct answer.
And option B says synarthrosis, but synarthroses are generally considered immovable. And so, for that reason, we can eliminate option B. So that here concludes this example, and I'll see you all in our next video.